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It’s Starting to Feel a Lot Like Christmas

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Attending Broken Arrow’s Annual Tea Off will have you feeling that Christmas is right around the corner.

For more than a quarter-century, Broken Arrow Merchants have hosted their annual “Tea Off.” Initially started by the old Co-Op that was located on North Main Street, the hope was to bring locals onto Main and draw attention to all the wonderful shops right in their own neighborhood.

Twenty-six years later, and the Tea Off is as big of a hit as it was then. The event, scheduled for Nov. 14 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., in the historic Rose District in Broken Arrow, will not only showcase all the various merchants up and down old Main, but, if you tend to be a scrooge, it will no doubt get you in the mood for St. Nick’s upcoming visit.

Patsy Terry, who is returning as this year’s chairwoman, promises the festivities will be sure to have everyone humming Jingle Bells. “Every year we try and make the Tea Off merrier,” boasts Patsy.

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Patsy Terry, Tea-Off chairwoman.

A free trolley will be touring up and down Main Street to assist festival-goers with traveling to each shop in style. While visiting the shops, you’ll be greeted with treats sure to make you bellow, “Ho Ho Ho.” You’ll have the opportunity to visit with shop owners and fellow neighbors as well as see all the special selections they have on display for the holiday season. Each participating shop will hand out tickets for a chance to win vouchers ranging from $50 to $500. Eighteen vouchers in all will be awarded to the lucky winners. Winners will be announced the following day on the Broken Arrow Main Street Merchants Facebook page and later be contacted by phone.

Once you make your way back onto the festively decorated streets, you’ll hear your favorite Christmas carols on the overhead speakers. You may even pass a group of spirited carolers, making their way around the celebration. But, there’s one visitor from the North Pole everyone anticipates – Santa Claus himself. “Santa, complete with his list, always takes the time to visit with young and old alike,” discloses Patsy.

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For a true magical experience, try taking a ride in one of the Victorian horse-drawn carriages. For a minimal charge, the lit-up carriage will have you feeling the Christmastide, and you can take a picture for your next greeting card.

On the south side of Main Street at the farmers market, a lights-on ceremony will officially kick off the season, and the ice-skating rink will be open for all of those brave enough to give the wintertime activity a try.

Don’t miss this magical evening of goodwill and greetings. It’s free to attend, and who knows, besides being filled with the Christmas spirit, you may get a jump-start on all your holiday shopping.

Broken Arrow Merchants will be hosting their 26th annual Tea Off Nov. 14 from 6-9 p.m. on Main Street. Shops will be serving up plenty of cheer and goodies sure to make even the biggest scrooge ready for the holiday season. Each shop will be handing out tickets for a chance to win vouchers for up to $500.

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