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John E. Koller Jewelry Opens Doors to Larger Location

Stop by the larger store in Owasso and say “hello” to store mascot Baxter while you shop.

By: Jim Butcher | Category: Gifts & Decor | Issue: October 2015

Award-winning jewelry designer John E. Koller and his best buddy Baxter promise continued high quality in custom-made jewelry and more selections at their new, larger location.

Award-winning jewelry designer John E. Koller and his best buddy Baxter promise continued high quality in custom-made jewelry and more selections at their new, larger location.

Major changes are only days away for John E. Koller Jewelry Designs & Repair; the award-winning jeweler opens the doors to a new, more spacious store this month, in Suite L at 9455 N. Owasso Expressway – less than a mile north of where the store has been for eight years.
“What’s great about our new store is that we will have twice as much space,” Koller explained, when he discussed the move and closing of his old location at 8703-Q N. Owasso Expressway. Of course, Baxter (a long-haired dachshund) will be there to greet you. The new store will have a center showcase, and the watch line will be enhanced.
Koller said extra space means more work stations, enabling his employees to better serve customers. “Please remember that we can make anything you want. An original creation begins with a wax carving, progresses to an investment stage, and finally to the casting of the piece.”
Mr. Koller, who has been in the jewelry industry for 30 years, has even replicated tattoo designs into jewelry. While custom jewelry can be created from scratch, it can also be done by reworking or restyling a hand-me-down or heirloom. Such items can become the foundation for creating unique and original rings and pendants.
John’s career began in his native state of New Jersey. For 16 years, he worked side by side with many talented jewelers. He absorbed their ideas and learned their different methods of creating custom pieces. In 2002 at a jewelry trade show in New York, Koller met Tim Felts, who owned Felts Diamond and Design, a custom design jewelry store in Tulsa. He asked John to work for him. Thirteen years ago, Koller accepted Tim’s offer and moved to Tulsa. Working at Felts introduced John to the different kinds of tools and equipment that helped fine-tune his techniques and further develop his talent for designing and making custom jewelry.
He always enjoyed working at what he affectionately refers to as “mom and pop stores.” For several years, he thought of opening his custom design business. When Felts closed their doors in 2007, the opportunity came and John opened John E. Koller Jewelry Designs & Repair in Owasso, where he now calls home.
Koller’s retail store carries a variety of rings, bracelets, necklaces, and pendants, and he specializes in custom one-of-a-kind pieces, plus all types of jewelry repairs. He is also a jewelry restoration specialist.
You never have to worry about your precious piece being sent across town or across the country for repairs. All work is done at the store by John or Jonathan, another master craftsman on site. They can do minor repairs, battery replacements, and complete overhaul of watches and clocks. They have the capability to work with all precious metals.
In both 2005 and 2006, Koller received awards from the Oklahoma Jewelers Association for his outstanding creations.
Store hours are Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Jim Butcher Profile Picture

About Author Jim Butcher

Jim Butcher is a retired, award-winning newspaperman who continues to write as a freelance writer and photographer. He owned the Tulsa Front Page weekly and was executive editor to Neighbor Newspapers' 13 metro newspapers. Currently, he writes for Value News and has become a paid assignment screenwriter, along with a University of Oklahoma professor who wrote Brad Pitt's first feature film. His award-winning screenplay is on the historical Osage Indian Murders of the 1920s.

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John E. Koller Jewelry Designs & Repair

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John E. Koller Jewelry Designs & Repair

(918) 376-2244
8703-Q N. Owasso Expressway, Owasso OK 74055 | OK
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