Just Between Friends Sale Set for September 11-13

Just Between Friends is currently the largest children’s and maternity needs consignment sale event.

By: Christy Means-Smith | Category: Retail | Issue: September 2008

Karen Cable, franchise owner of Just Between Friends Broken Arrow, welcomes parents, parents-to-be, grandmas, grandpas, aunts and uncles to shop and/or consign at the JBF sale September 11 through 13 at the Green Country Event Center.

Fall 2008 brings a great event to Broken Arrow – the Just Between Friends sale at the Green Country Event Center, September 11 through 13. Shoppers and consigners alike can take advantage of this opportunity to “go green and get some green” by buying and selling gently used items for children of all ages.

Just Between Friends is currently the largest children’s and maternity needs consignment sale event. Shoppers are able to purchase brand name items at half or even one third of the original price, and the selection of merchandise is vast. Clothes, baby equipment, furniture, toys, games, books, videos and maternity wear make Just Between Friends one of the most anticipated sales of the year. You can also purchase or consign Halloween costumes at the event.

Consigners have the advantage of creating their own prices for items that are no longer in use around the house. Shoppers, of course, benefit from the great variety of items that might cost twice as much at the mall – without mall traffic. And they can get an entire season’s worth of needs in one spot.

“It is not unusual for shoppers to come to our sales every year and walk out with their complete list of needs, taken care of in just a few hours,” says Karen Cable, JBF franchise owner.

There is always a need for volunteers, and as an added incentive, workers and consigners are able to attend the pre-sale that takes place the evening before the event. First time mothers and fathers may also register to attend the pre-sale at 8 p.m. by registering on the website, www.jbfsale.com.    

The first full day of shopping begins at 8 a.m. on Thursday, September 11 and is open to the public with only a $2 admission fee until 7 p.m. Cash, checks and most major credit cards will be accepted. Friday evening brings half-price pre-sale opportunities to the workers, and Saturday’s hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., during which another half-price sale will be offered to the public. Individuals are also encouraged to bring items to donate to the Salvation Army and the Margaret Hudson Program.

Interested consigners should remember that the more effort that is taken into the preparation of their items, the better they will sell. Consigners also have the benefit of receiving their proceeds in a very short time after the sale has concluded, all in one lump sum.

For more information about the Just Between Friends sales event in September, call Karen Cable at (918) 636-0317 or visit the website at www.jbfsale.com. The Green Country Event Center, also known as the Garnett Church of Christ building, is located at 31st and Garnett.

For more information, contact

Just Between Friends Broken Arrow

(918) 636-0317


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