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Ladies Day Out

The Ladies Lifestyle Extravaganza returns to Claremore Expo Center on March 17.

By: Carol Beck-Round | Category: Special Interest | Issue: March 2012

Planning for the ultimate ladies day are committee members (L to R): Marla Roberts, Jennifer Gardner, Sarah Sharp, Danny Warma, Myrtle Prather, Amelya Anderson and Cindy Bissett. (Not pictured: Dell Davis, Kelli Sellers and Sue Cowan.)

Planning for the ultimate ladies day are committee members (L to R): Marla Roberts, Jennifer Gardner, Sarah Sharp, Danny Warma, Myrtle Prather, Amelya Anderson and Cindy Bissett. (Not pictured: Dell Davis, Kelli Sellers and Sue Cowan.)

Hobbies, health and wellness, money management and more issues important to women are on tap for the ultimate ladies day out, which is returning on Saturday, March 17 with the 7th annual Claremore women’s expo, “Ladies Lifestyle Extravaganza” presented by Claremore Regional Hospital. Doors open at the Claremore Expo Center at 9 a.m. The event will feature ­shopping opportunities, giveaways, health seminars, a fashion show and Leprechaun Cash Drawings. Admission is $4 per person or $2 with donation of two nonperishable food items, to be given to the Good Samaritan Ministry. The event will be going on all day until 5 p.m.

Teaming up to coordinate the day-long event, the Claremore Chamber of Commerce and Claremore Main Street have designed the ­extravaganza to ­provide products, services and information women need and want to make their lives more efficient, more productive, and happier. Regardless of their age or ­circumstances, women will find something valuable for their lives.

“This event is for all women,” says Claremore Main Street Executive Director Cindy Bissett. “College students and recent graduates, career women, single and married women, brides-to-be and newlyweds, mothers, empty-nesters and retirees will all find something for them at the Ladies Lifestyle Extravaganza.”

Ladies, don’t forget your wallet because there will be ample opportunity for shopping at the 80 booths available during the day-long event. “A wide range of vendors are scheduled to be there, including jewelry, fashion accessories, clothing, body products, home décor, health care items, cookware, ­gardening, and even items for your pets,” says Cindy. “Many of these vendors will be having individual drawings.”

Health care seminars throughout the day will address a variety of women’s issues, with topics addressing women at ­different stages of their life. Four seminars, all presented by ­doctors, will be held behind closed doors so that women will feel comfortable asking ­questions. “They will be addressing women’s health issues, ­especially the growing concern with heart health,” says Cindy.    

Each seminar will last from 30 to 45 minutes, with the exception of a primary Healthy Heart seminar set for 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., in which a panel of doctors will discuss what women can do to enhance their ­awareness of heart health. Lunch will be served during the ­seminar on a first come, first served basis, and women will be able to ask questions after the panel discussion.

An addition to this year’s event will be a roundtable of Oklahoma book authors who will discuss the ins and outs of writing and publishing. The authors, whose genres range from Christian to mystery, will also be available throughout the day to sign copies of their books at a booth sponsored by Boarding House Books.

Claremore Dance Studio, which recently opened in downtown Claremore, will also be ­presenting ballroom dancing demonstrations, including salsa and two-step techniques.

Parking is ­plentiful and free at the Claremore Expo Center, located at 400 Veterans Parkway. Presenting sponsor of the Ladies Lifestyle Extravaganza is Claremore Regional Hospital. Major sponsors are RCB Bank, Walmart, Cherokee Casino Will Rogers Downs, and Walgreens. Leprechaun Partners are Lilack Salon, Oasis Day Spa, and Tiny Cakes and Truffles.

A schedule of seminars will be available on the Claremore Chamber and Claremore Main Street websites, and

For more information, contact

Ladies Lifestyle Extravaganza

(918) 341-5881 or (918) 341-2818

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Carol Beck-Round Profile Picture

About Author Carol Beck-Round

After 30 years in public school education, Carol Round retired and moved from Grand Lake to Claremore, Oklahoma in 2005, where she writes a weekly faith-based column which runs in 14 Oklahoma newspapers as well as several national and international publications. Three volumes of her columns have been compiled into collections: A Matter of Faith, Faith Matters and by FAITH alone. She has also written Journaling with Jesus: How to Draw Closer to God and a companion workbook, The 40-Day Challenge. This past year she has written three children’s books, a series called Nana’s 3 Jars, to teach children about the value of giving, saving and spending money. All of Carol’s books are available through Amazon. In addition to writing her weekly column, authoring books and speaking to women’s groups, she writes for Value News. She also blogs regularly at When she is not writing or speaking, she loves spending time with her three grandchildren, working in her flowerbeds, shooting photos, volunteering at her church or going on mission trips overseas, and hiking. She is also an avid reader and loves working crosswords and trying to solve Sudoku puzzles.

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Ladies Lifestyle Extravaganza

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