Let the Games Begin

Rogers County Adult Day Care Brings Donkey Basketball back to Claremore

By: Peggy McGehee | Category: In Our Communities | Issue: March 2017

Rogers County Adult Day Care Brings Donkey Basketball back to Claremore

Rogers County Adult Day Care Brings Donkey Basketball back to Claremore

Mark your calendars for Tuesday, March 21st, Donkey Basketball is returning to Claremore. Come to the Frank Mobra Gymnasium at Claremore High School at 7:00pm to see last year’s teams - the Claremore Police Department, Claremore Fire Department, Claremore High School Faculty and Rogers State University Athletic Staff fight for the title of “Donkey Basketball Champions of Claremore”.  Never seen donkey basketball?  Now’s your chance to mark it off your bucket-list! Let the donkey-dunking games begin.
The medical community of Claremore came together in 1987 to begin discussion for forming a non-profit agency to help families of Rogers County with respite care for adults.  In 1991, Rogers County Adult Day Care was opened (originally Eldercare) and 26 years later, RCADC, a United Way agency, is still providing much needed daily care for the community’s elderly and adults with special needs.
Space has been an obstacle for the agency’s center for several years.  This year, RCADC purchased a new building that is being renovated and they will be moving into it soon, allowing them to accommodate those on the waiting list for their services.  The Oklahoma Department of Human Services provides some of the funding for the center and that funding is in jeopardy of being drastically reduced.  So, in true RCADC fashion, they are having a fundraiser.
Admission is $10 for adults, $6 for students and kids under 6 are admitted free.  Sponsorships with advertising are available from $100-$1000.  For more information, please contact Wanda Inman, Director, at 918-341-7588.  Come out and support this great agency’s service to the community and cheer on your favorite Claremore team!
 The Rogers County Adult Day Care is a private non-profit organization designed to be a community-based service benefiting the impaired adult and their caregivers based out of Claremore, Oklahoma. The mission is to provide a safe place of warmth and caring to promote the independence of the impaired adult, enhance the quality of life, and prevent premature institutionalization. The intent is to provide therapeutic rehabilitative, social and health maintenance in order to insure respite for caregivers.

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Rogers County Adult Day Center

For more information, contact:

Rogers County Adult Day Care

(918) 341-7588
2680 N. Hwy 88 | Claremore, OK
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