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Linde Oktoberfest Tulsa Celebrates 40 Years

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Linde Oktoberfest Tulsa celebrates an authentic Bavarian culture in the heart of Oklahoma, and represents an incredible setting patterned after Oktoberfest Munich in Bavaria, Germany. Scheduled for October 18-21, with a private, Gemütlichkeit evening on Wednesday, October 17, presented by Lufthansa Technik, Oktoberfest presents international German bands, Bavarian delicacies, authentic arts and crafts as well as games and competitions for the entire family. Entering its 40th year, you’ll enjoy große (huge) quantities of bratwurst, German beers, Bavarian cheesecake, great music and thousands of your friends together at one place at the new River West Festival Park with 116,000 square feet of new tents, stages and more.

Named a 2017, Top Five Oktoberfest as ranked by USA Today and as well as by Condé Nast Traveler Magazine, Linde Oktoberfest Tulsa has just been named by Orbitz as one of the five Largest Oktoberfests in America!

When it comes to food, Linde Oktoberfest has something for everyone. Get ready for some authentic German heritage, and mouthwatering dishes brought to you by our dedicated chefs, volunteers, restaurants and specialty shops. Bratwurst, Turkey Legs, Sausage, Sauerkraut, Potato Salad, Warm Pretzels, Pizza, tons of delicious sweet treats, and much more! For kids, we also have a variety of festival staples—from pizza, to french fries, corn dogs, gyros, frozen custard and funnel cakes.

Tulsa’s favorite festival wouldn’t be the same without our terrific entertainers! Live music is always a favorite and this year, several bands are traveling to Linde Oktoberfest Tulsa from Germany to perform, including Dorfrocker and Münchner Gaudiblosn, Alex Meixner will be joining us, and the popular das Glockenspiel® presented by Williams will be returning!

New this year is the Bavarian Cup Team Challenge! Get your team of 8 together and join us as the Karbach Games and Competitions Arena becomes our own center of the universe Saturday at 2:00 PM for true fans of German bier. Why? Because it is ground zero for the Linde Oktoberfest Bavarian Cup (Bayerische Tasse) Team Challenge, a challenge for the ages. Teams of 8, each with a minimum of four women, will compete for the first ever Goldenes Fass (Golden Barrel) Award, to display proudly in a lobby, break room or cubicle. The competition consists of four intense but fun games - the legendary Bier Barrel Race, the MassKrug Relay, the Strong Stein Hoist and the Das Tauziehen (Tug o’ War)! There will be non-stop action and everyone will chicken dance because it will be so much fun.

Schedule of Events:

Thursday, October 18


Opening Ceremonies & Parade - Special Guest: Mayor of Celle, Germany in town!

OKT Zelt Crawl Tasting Night

das Glockenspiel presented by Williams

Hofbräuhaus Restaurant opens

Friday, October 19


Family Free Day sponsored by Zeeco (until 4PM)!

das Glockenspiel presented by Williams

Euro Disco feat. D.J. Moody

Dorfrocker, Klaberheads, Walburg Boys and more!

Saturday, October 20


Corporate Challenge Games

das Jugendzelt presented by Pedistat

Dorfrocker, Münchner Gaudiblosn and Klaberheads!

Sunday, October 21


Dachshund Dash & Costume Parade

Bavarian delicacies including Siegi’s Sausages, GAST Potato Pancakes, Helmut’s Strudel and more!

Closing Ceremonies

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