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Making Sense of Dollars

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Categories: Financial Services

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Dale Alimena of Edward Jones wants to help you reach your financial goals.

“I’m a teacher at heart,” explains Dale Alimena, Financial Advisor with Edward Jones in Owasso, “I put the pieces together in a very simple-to-understand format.”  The ‘pieces’ are those that comprise a client’s financial plan.
Whether a young family is looking to grow or a couple finds themselves post-retirement, it is important to have and understand a financial plan in order to attain financial goals. Throughout life’s transitions, according to Alimena, the plan is always changing. For instance, a young adult is often beginning to invest in a retirement fund or has a young family for which he wishes to provide, thus adequate life insurance or college savings must be considered. Later, a client begins to assess whether or not he can retire with sufficient savings. And, if so, where social security fits into the picture. Eventually, a client begins to examine his legacy, or what he will leave behind to his heirs in terms of estate planning.  
With the ebb and flow of life transitions, a financial advisor serves as a consistent guide and resource, constantly keeping the plan on track to reach your desired destination.
“The first step is ensuring I understand what’s important to you”, said Alimena. “I work through our established process to build your personalized strategies and the specific actions needed to help you achieve your financial goals. Then, I continue to partner with you and your family over time, using strategies we’ve developed to help keep you on track to reach your goals.”
Alimena, alongside a team of experts from estate planning attorneys to accountants, does this via research and analysis; a professional understanding of market trends, investing rules and regulations; and continual investments monitoring. In short, Alimena works strategically behind the scenes to keep things on track, so clients may go about their daily routines worry-free.
To get started, an individual simply calls Alimena’s office to schedule an initial, no-cost consultation. Prior to the appointment, a simple worksheet is completed so that Alimena may better understand the current financial landscape as it relates to his long-term goals. Further, Alimena emphasizes that clients are encouraged and well-served at any level of ability to invest in a financial plan. “Everyone has an estate,” explains Alimena, “…and every client is treated with the best service. ”
Once an individual decides to proceed following the initial consultation, Alimena devises a financial plan and explains its complexities using simple terminology and graphics. Taking data and complex concepts and making them understandable for his clients is Alimena’s strong suit.  Thereafter, Alimena periodically meets with each client to review the plan.
“I really enjoy serving—helping people. I got into financial advisement because I wanted to stay with my clients in the long-term,” Alimena explains. Dale Alimena of Edward Jones in Owasso is ready to guide you through a successful financial journey as well, so give him a call today.

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