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March Into Your Fitness Resolution

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Categories: Health & Fitness

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Personal trainer Taylor Miller trains Stephanie Hubele at Optimal Fitness.

It’s now the third month into the year – have you kept up the New Year’s resolution you made back in January? “I recently read a study that said only 8% of people keep their New Year’s resolution, no matter what it is,” says Chad Gerstmeyer, owner of Optimal Fitness. “That’s a huge failure rate. In order to keep a New Year’s resolution, it must be important to you. How important is your health?”
Chad, his wife, Tara, and the staff at Optimal Fitness want to support those who have made a commitment to a healthier lifestyle. “Maybe you made a resolution to lose weight or get more fit and you haven’t stuck with it. It’s not too late! You can start fresh today.”  
The same study mentioned that fewer and fewer people are making resolutions each year because they have given in to the idea they will fail, as they have so many years in the past. “This tells me so many people are simply giving up altogether. At least making a resolution means you recognize that a change needs to happen,” says Chad.
“I believe the number one reason people fail is that they don’t set realistic goals. Everyone wants a quick fix, and to magically lose weight overnight. Unfortunately, it just doesn’t that work that way. Weight loss and a healthy lifestyle require time, effort, dedication, and focusing on one goal at a time. You can’t get to the top of the ladder immediately – you have to begin the climb by starting on the first rung.”
Another reason people give up on their resolutions? They try to change everything all at once. “It’s important to choose one small goal to achieve at first. After you have achieved that goal, choose another, more challenging goal, and so on. Healthy living is a lifestyle change – you will always have new goals to work toward.”
Chad encourages people to focus on their behavior and altering bad habits, rather than concentrating solely on seeing results. “If you put in the time and work, the results will come. Focus on the present, and work on changing your daily habits. Build a support group. If you want to lose weight, spend time with like-minded people,” he says. “Change your environment. Spend time where your goals will be supported by others who have similar mindsets.”
If you’re out of shape and new to the gym, don’t be intimidated by the people who are already in great shape. Chances are at some point, they have been where you are. “You may have two different body types, but you are alike because you have the same mind frame – you both want to be fit and healthy. Don’t be afraid to ask for guidance. Ninety-nine percent of people who work out and are interested in fitness are more than happy to help and offer tips. Fitness is a passion and a lifestyle,” says Chad.  
Another mistake people often make is assuming small changes don’t add up – they do! “You didn’t get unhealthy or overweight in one day, so you can’t reverse it overnight. The fact is, it takes time. If you improve by 1% each day, those small changes will add up, and over time you will achieve results.”
Finding the right environment to achieve your goals can mean the difference between success and failure. “It is important to find a facility that will meet your needs,” says Chad. Unlike national chain gyms, the independent and locally-owned Optimal Fitness offers an environment that enables its members and staff to be more personal. “Our staff is involved in the lives of our members. Multiple personal trainers are available to help guide and support members. We also offer nutrition programs and a nice selection of supplements to assist you with your goals. We will help you develop a roadmap to health and guide you in the right direction.”
Chad’s final note on New Year’s resolutions: “You don’t have to start on January 1. If you’re fed up with your situation, you can draw a line in the sand and start today.”

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