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Massage Therapist School Opens in Claremore

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Leslie Cohen and Reva Schumacher offer students personal attention and everything they need to be ready for work as a licensed professional massage therapist.

 If you’re considering a new career, massage therapy is a solid choice. There are many reasons why a career in massage therapy is appealing. Maybe you are seeking a new professional challenge that will give you financial security in an exciting area. Perhaps helping people is one of your career goals. Maybe you yearn to get out from behind a desk or pursue work that has more personal meaning to you.

But if you’re still asking, “Is massage therapy a good career for me?” then let’s explore what makes massage therapy an appealing career for so many people.

Personal Qualities

You’re friendly, a good listener who gets along easily with others and who enjoys social contact. You like to build relationships and value input from others when you make decisions. You’re cooperative, and others appreciate your loyalty and support. People may come to you for advice. You don’t mind providing thoughtful feedback or positive comments about others. You make people comfortable. You are a people person who enjoys helping others. If so, a career as a licensed massage therapist may be an excellent career choice for you.

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Start school and work at your own pace. Intune School of Massage classes begin every week.

You probably already possess some of the qualities that make a successful massage therapist if you’re looking at the field as a potential new career. But what specifically are the qualities that make a practitioner successful? Let’s look at them in more detail.

Do you want to go to work every day and help people? Having that drive is probably the first requirement for becoming a massage therapist. Even more alluring, and unlike many other health related professions, you can often obtain a degree in less than a year. Imagine yourself in a new profession this time next year!

If you like flexibility and being in control of your own schedule, massage has a lot to offer. Sixty-seven percent of practicing therapists are sole practitioners, according to the American Massage Therapy Association. That means massage therapy is a great career for people with an entrepreneurial spirit and enjoy control of their own destiny.

If the responsibility of owning your own businesses doesn’t appeal to you, many other employment options exist. There are lots of different massage therapy positions to explore! Some places you can work as a massage therapist include: hospitals and medical centers, spas and resorts, sports and fitness franchises, and many more. The demand for massage is growing.

A massage therapy salary can vary, depending on where you live, how much you can work, what environment you work in and more. In 2020, the median wage was $43,620.


Leslie Cohen, Intune School of Massage owner and instructor, is a retired school teacher with a passion for massage and owner of Tranquility Spa in Claremore, Oklahoma. Her idea for the school began to take shape when she realized there was a tremendous need for more massage therapists and massage training in the Rogers County area. With great detail she moved forward and completed the process of Oklahoma State certification and licensing requirements and Intune School of Massage was officially born.

The Intune School of Massage is 550 hour private preparatory vocational school that prepares you to take the MBLEX exam for a massage therapist license.

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Places you can work as a licensed massage therapist include, doctors offices, hospitals and medical facilities, spas, resorts, sport and fitness facilities, franchise massage centers, and as your own business.

Leslie described that their curriculum is text book and experience-based, so you won’t be struggling to learn about procedures solely from a book. “You’ll dive right in, observing and able to ask questions as they come up. The hands-on atmosphere gives you an edge when it comes to recalling the material, so you’ll be learning faster and retaining more than you might be while attending programs that are rooted in traditional lectures and book study. 

Intune School of Massage’s smaller class sizes of 4-6 students per course allow students to have the personal attention they deserve and the opportunity to practice. The ongoing experience of working with actual human beings contributes to the overall confidence of graduates. Another benefit to this strategy is that students fully understand the patient’s experience. “This allows students to identify with any measure of discomfort a patient might feel, develop empathy and connection with clients, and better discern whether a patient’s experience is typical or should be cause for concern. The “built-in” experience is a big plus because it can be required for many positions and difficult to obtain. Our students complete a 40-hour internship.”

Additionally, Leslie said they offer professional guidance, teaching you the ins and outs of applying for positions, entrepreneurial opportunities, and provide you with essential equipment in this field so you will be set up for success from the start.

“Our classes begin weekly and students can work at their own pace, focus on being prepared for the state exam, and typically ready for work upon finishing the program. We offer students an opportunity for a new career in a professional field, with many career path options. Intune School of Massage trains students, both men and women, to be the best massage therapist they can be and to care about every client,” Leslie concluded.

What is your next step?  Call Leslie to schedule a one-on-one career planning meeting. She will give you detailed program information and help you plan for your new career in massage therapy.

See more about Massage Therapist School Opens in Claremore:

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