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Master Your Wellness and Beauty

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Dr. Leslie Masters is dedicated to helping each patient master their full potential from the moment they walk through her doors.

Despite the busy world we live in, we all somehow find a bit of time to try to take care of ourselves.  Some of us exercise, some of us buy only organic and others simply schedule Botox every 4 months.  At MastersMD, Dr. Leslie Masters is taking the art of looking good and feeling good to a whole new level.  
MastersMD started in 2005 as a laser skin care center and has blossomed in the past 10 years into Tulsa’s premier Cosmetic and Metabolic Medicine leader.  Now in their new, 4500 square foot, state-of-the-art facility in the heart of South Tulsa, Dr. Masters and her staff offer nearly every non-surgical cosmetic treatment available. Their Cosmetic Medicine services have been greatly expanded with the addition of 3 new laser and radio-frequency machines in the past 2 years, but the biggest shift in the business has come with the addition of a new specialty called Metabolic Medicine.
To the lay person, Metabolic Medicine is usually referred to as Wellness Medicine or something similar. To Dr. Masters, Metabolic Medicine has been an answer for the hundreds of patients that come in saying, “I’m not sick.  I just don’t feel good”.  Whether it is fatigue, lack of energy, poor sleep, or the inability to lose weight, Metabolic Medicine has the answer.  “This is NOT Dr. Oz type medicine,” Dr. Masters is quick to say.  “I am NOT some health nut just saying, ‘Here, take this it is supposed to be good for you’. Metabolic Medicine will really and truly make you feel better.”
Dr. Masters can definitely back up her statement.  She has spent the past 4 years working on her Master’s Degree in Metabolic and Nutritional Medicine.  Since there is no real training program for Metabolic Medicine, many Medical schools are actually offering graduate degrees in this type of medicine, often referred to as Metabolic & Nutritional Medicine, dedicated to keeping the human body healthy and functioning optimally. In other words, it focuses on preventing symptoms and disease before they can even get started. Masters goes on to explain that, while in Traditional Medicine we are taught to treat symptoms and disease after the fact, the typical medical school curriculum offers very little teaching to doctors on how to help keep their patients healthy.
How well is your body turning the food you eat into energy? How well is your liver detoxifying the world you are exposed to on a daily basis?  Are GI bacteria doing what they are supposed to and keeping you strong and healthy or has bad bacteria or yeast taken over?  Is the stress you are exposed to in your daily life being adequately dealt with or have chronically elevated stress hormones left you at risk for obesity, heart disease and diabetes?  These are just a few of the questions a Metabolic Medicine work-up will answer.  
Dr. Masters is quick to point out that everything offered or recommended at MastersMD is evidenced-based.  Meaning there are scientific studies to back up her recommendations.  “If it has not been studied, then I don’t include it in my recommendations.”  Patients are continually surprised to learn just simple little facts about the human body and once she reviews their labs with them and helps show them how it all fits together they are quick to see that a lot of what she recommends is simply common sense.  For instance, she preaches treating the CAUSE of an ailment rather than putting the proverbial “band aide” on the SYMPTOMS.”
A Metabolic Medicine work up can be huge and all-encompassing or it can be as simple as making sure your hormones are balanced.  Since hormones have a lot to do with how we feel, they are the logical starting point for many patients.   Estrogen, Progesterone and Testosterone are not just the sex hormones, they are the body’s anabolic or ‘healing and repair’ hormones.  The body’s catabolic or ‘wear and tear’ hormone is Cortisol.  As we age our healing and repair hormones go down dramatically, but the wear and tear hormone does not.  Too much wear and tear and not enough healing and repair is more commonly known as good, old-fashioned AGING.  Making sure your hormones are balanced and optimized slows the aging process.  “Besides that,” Dr. Masters is quick to point out, “you will just feel better, a lot better.”  If you could use some help with: energy level, stamina, weight loss, sleep, anxiety, depression or irritable mood, libido, building muscle, memory, mental focus …well then, balancing and optimizing your hormones may be the answer.
“I love the Cosmetic Medicine side of MastersMD,” says Dr. Masters, “but I have to admit that I’ve become quite passionate about Metabolic Medicine.  The intangible benefits that come with feeling good are limitless and nothing can make you look your best if you don’t truly feel your best.”

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