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More Than Just Bingo: Tulsa SPCA 2020 Virtual Bingo Bash

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Categories: Pets

The Tulsa Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Tulsa SPCA) was founded in 1913 by local volunteers whose goal it was to provide care to homeless cats and dogs and also protect animals against abuse. Over a hundred years later, the organization has been continuously growing and with its shelter, clinic and various programs able to help thousands of animals.

Pet owners are also invited to take advantage of the Tulsa SPCA’s clinic services: low-cost vaccinations, spay/neuter procedures, microchipping, and minor needs clinic, which provides wellness exams and treatment for minor health issues.

One of the Tulsa SPCA’s most popular fundraising events is the annual Bingo Bash, which was sold out in 2019, with more than 220 guests in attendance. Originally scheduled for July 18, 2020, it had to be postponed due to the current pandemic.

While its mission is still the same, the fundraiser looks slightly different this year. In order to keep things safe for everyone involved, the Tulsa SPCA has planned a virtual night of bingo that will take place on December 5, 2020, from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.

There will be a silent auction held the week prior to the event and bidding will be open to everyone. “The auction goes live on our website on November 30 at 8 a.m., and no tickets are necessary”, says Jana Paul, Director of Development. There will be lots of desirable items to bid on (Hint: Think Christmas shopping!): a getaway package, restaurant gift cards, themed baskets, etc. The auction will only be open until 9 p.m., so you should definitely bid if something has caught your eye.

With all the event cancellations the Tulsa SPCA has faced this year due to COVID-19, Bingo Bash is extremely important as a fundraiser. So far, there are fourteen sponsors, but new sponsors are always needed and highly encouraged to reach out. To continue caring for animals and providing pet owners with the help they need, more funds are necessary, especially in these difficult times. “We are expecting 100 people to participate in the Bingo Bash this year, compared to over 200 last year. It is definitely challenging to pull off an event like this virtually, with much more preparation than usual and new software we had to purchase to make it work”, says Paul. With this in mind, have fun playing games online while helping a great cause!

Tickets can be purchased on the website, by calling Jana Paul at 918-428-7722 or sending an email to eat0@eau0eav0eaw0.

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