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Music to a Child’s Ears

Under The Shadow Education International Foundation is shaping and changing young lives through early music education for financially challenged families in the Tulsa area.

By: Lou Cleland | Category: Education | Issue: September 2011

Children ages 3 to 10 who desire to learn how to play a musical instrument may apply for a sponsorship through Under The Shadow Education International Foundation.

Children ages 3 to 10 who desire to learn how to play a musical instrument may apply for a sponsorship through Under The Shadow Education International Foundation.

Under The Shadow Education International Foundation (UTSEIF) is a public charitable education non-profit organization created in 2010 for the promotion of early childhood music education for financially challenged families in the Tulsa area that have young children, 3 to 10 years of age, who desire to study a musical instrument. Because many families have met financial challenges with the economic downturn, many young children who would like to study music are unable to do so. These recipients are chosen through an application process and may receive a sponsorship for lessons or instruments. These sponsorships are supported by donations and music teacher lesson contributions.
    Through several decades of study concerning the effects of early childhood music education in children, it has been found that there are above normal improvements in problem solving, discipline, ability to focus, motor skills, cognitive development, spatial-temporal reasoning abilities, memory, and artistic sensitivity and appreciation. They typically become good, productive citizens as they grow up, and they become creative bridges for national and international exchange and global communication.
    Under The Shadow is also working to train and equip students internationally in languages and music. We are becoming one world interconnected by satellite communication, fiber optic internet systems, global trade and finance, international sporting events and world travel. International interaction and exchange through aesthetic beauty of music and the arts is vitally important to our global communication, and music truly is the universal language.
    UTSEIF is now accepting applications for study this fall. If you have a child that is desirous of music study, please visit the website at, send an email to eat0@eau0eav0eaw0, or call (918) 938-5568 to obtain an application for sponsorship. You must live in Tulsa County to apply. If you would like to become a sponsor and deeply affect a young child and their family’s lives, contact them by email or phone. A sponsorship is a commitment of $35 per month for 12 months, and every penny goes to the training of the sponsored student. 

For more information, contact

Under The Shadow

Education International Foundation


11063-D S. Memorial Dr. #226
Tulsa, OK 74133
(918) 938-5568

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