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Need Collision Repair?

Two fully staffed and equipped Jim Norton Collision Centers are located in south Tulsa

By: Duane Blankenship | Category: Automotive | Issue: October 2009

Jim Norton Collision Center specialists provide repair services at 58th and Garnett (L to R): (Front row) Tina Gonzales, Ian Weber, James Adams, Jim Page, Betty Long, Airen Faulk, Juanita Lee, (Middle row) Kevin Peck, Scott Graham, Darrold Tannehill, Mark Blevins, John ­Marshall, Matt Adams, (Back row) ­Brandon Pittman, Sid Morrison, Scott Barr, Chris Luce and Jimmy Michie.

Two fully staffed and equipped Jim Norton Collision Centers are located in south Tulsa, one at 98th and South Memorial and the other just east of the intersection at South 58th Street and Garnett. The 58th Street location has been in operation for seven years, and the Memorial location opened its doors just two months ago. “Combined, our two centers occupy a total of 35,000 square feet. They utilize the finest equipment in the collision business to ensure our customers only the highest quality repairs,” said Jim Page, manager of Jim Norton Collision Centers.

Both collision centers are capable of repairing all makes and models of vehicles, and jobs range from very small to very complex. They offer everything from extensive collision damage repair to paintless dent repair to glass repair and replacement. Each center has dent repair specialists who are full-time employees. Window and windshield work can be done on site or in the shop, depending upon the severity and amount of work to be completed.

Jim Norton Collision also does spray-in bed liners. Both locations are equipped with Nova Verta Raptor spray booth equipment, a recognized leader in their field. According to Page, “The Nova Verta system is a quality design offering superior airflow and is second to none. It is the most cost-effective paint booth system in its class.” The system’s Raptor Direct-Fired Series is engineered to ensure ideal painting conditions while conserving energy.

Jim Norton Collision Center knows that newer car models and the materials utilized in their design require new ways of measuring, aligning and repairing crashed vehicles. Rigorous demands, including a quality certified process, are placed on today’s body shops by fierce competition and tougher requirements encountered throughout the marketplace. A quality repair job requires thorough documentation that can only be met by the advanced measuring systems found in leading body shops.

The collision repair team of the new Jim Norton Collision Center on South Memorial (L to R): (Front row) Joe Eberle, Tina Overton, Jim Page, Brian Harris, (Back row) Ivan Garcia, ­Jeremy Lees, Rusty ­Ingram and Kurt Keck.

The staff at Jim Norton Collision Center knows that being involved in an accident is never easy on the customer. But they do believe getting your vehicle repaired can be easy. “We make sure our customers receive only the highest quality service and expertise possible,” says Page. “We want them back on the road quickly with their vehicles repaired to exacting factory specifications.”

Jim Norton utilizes a third party customer satisfaction monitoring and tracking system to ensure an unbiased customer experience rating. They track 100 percent of all customer repair orders to allow them to look at new ways to improve the quality of their service and their customers’ experience.

The collision centers also adhere to a rigorous and structured training schedule for all employees. Each technician must complete at least 40 hours of individual technical training each year, in addition to other learning and recertification instruction.

If you are unfortunate enough to require collision repair on your vehicle, Jim Norton Collision Center makes the inconvenience a little easier by offering a free loaner vehicle while your car is in the shop. They also do car rentals for any occasion. Express repairs are assured at both locations, with those costing under $500 being completed in only 24 hours. Repairs estimated at up to $2,500 are scheduled for ­completion within three days maximum.

Jim Norton is a name you know and trust. Next time your vehicle needs minor or major repair, give one of the Jim Norton Collision Centers a call. They’ll have you back on the road smiling in no time.

For more information, contact

Jim Norton ­Collision Center

9777 S. MemorialTulsa, OK 74133(918) 317-761411330 E. 58th St.Tulsa, OK 74146(918)

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About Author Duane Blankenship

Blankenship graduated from the University of Oklahoma and has enjoyed a lifetime career in advertising. He started his own advertising business in 1993 and enjoys creating graphic art and writing. Hobbies include hunting, fishing and pencil drawings. Duane and his wife, Janice, have been married over 50 years and are active in their church and community. He has been a contributing writer for Value News/Values Magazine since 2005.

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Jim Norton Collision Center

For more information, contact:

Jim Norton Collision Center

9809 S. Memorial | Green Country, OK

Jim Norton Collision Center Online:

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