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Value News Articles–October 2018

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Linde Oktoberfest Tulsa Celebrates 40 Years

Linde Oktoberfest Tulsa celebrates an authentic Bavarian culture in the heart of Oklahoma, and represents an incredible setting patterned after Oktoberfest Munich in Bavaria, Germany. Scheduled for October 18-21, with a private, Gemütlichkeit evening on Wednesday, October 17, presented by Lufthansa Technik, Oktoberfest presents international German bands, Bavarian delicacies, authentic arts and crafts as well as games and competitions for the entire family. Entering its 40th year, you’ll enjoy große (huge) quantities of bratwurst, German beers, Bavarian cheesecake, great music and thousands of your friends together at one place at the new River West Festival Park with 116,000 square feet of new tents, stages and more. Read more »

Supporting Neighbors Through Wine, Eats & Easels

Slated for Friday, Oct. 12 from 6:00-9:00 pm, the 15th anniversary of this event promises to be the best one yet! Read more »

The Fall Home Expo: Resources For Everything Home

Celebrating its 5th anniversary as the only fall season home and garden show in the Tulsa market, the timing could not be better on its new earlier weekend. The new schedule will allow visitors to enjoy ample parking adjacent to the Exchange Center which was not always the case in previous years. Read more »

A Big HeART Event

The Heart of Broken Arrow Arts & Crafts Show promises a host of new vendors as well as local favorites that savvy shoppers seek out each year. Doors are open from 9:00 a.m. thru 4:00 p.m. Event Chairperson Laurann Farris hopes you, your family and friends will patronize the Show as well as merchants in the newly renovated Rose District located in award winning downtown Broken Arrow where you’ll find a variety of quaint shops and eateries. Read more »

Halloween Festival Showcases New Events

The Halloween Festival at the Castle of Muskogee is just around the corner! Only a short drive from Tulsa, the Ghost Hosts’ of Oklahoma’s 60-acre park would like you to join them each weekend this fall. You’ll find a collection of culinary creations, 20+ shops for crafts, décor, clothing, and delightful entertainment for the entire family! Read more »


MIO Restaurant of the Month

The Picasso Café Read more »

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