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Party with a Purpose to Help Rescued Animals

The Parrot Head Pirates’ Party-Ball on September 20 will benefit the Pet Adoption League.

By: Deanna Rebro | Category: Other | Issue: September 2014

Alicia Gourd, Parrot Head, Clay Newton and Taz are ready to party with a purpose on September 20.

Alicia Gourd, Parrot Head, Clay Newton and Taz are ready to party with a purpose on September 20.

For one evening, Parrot Heads will become pirates for the benefit of Pet Adoption League. On Saturday, September 20, the Tulsa Parrot Head Club will present its first ever Pirates’ Party-Ball at Tulsa RV Ranch.
Known worldwide as Jimmy Buffett’s most avid fans, the Parrot Heads are also active with local community, educational and environmental concerns. The nonprofit organization raises money for charity and people in need. And they always have fun doing it.
“We party with a purpose,” says event chair Jeanette North. The Pet Adoption League, a Tulsa animal rescue organization, was chosen for this inaugural benefit. Since 1998, PAL has been rescuing dogs and cats and finding homes in which the animals will be loved and cared for the rest of their lives. The all-volunteer organization has no paid employees and no facility of its own. Every cent received goes toward the care of the animals (vaccinations, spaying or neutering, and other medical care) that are either in foster homes or boarded at a veterinary clinic.
The animals remain with PAL until the right home is found for them, no matter how long it takes. In some cases the wait has been several years, according to PAL President Sherri Hardy. Adoption fees partially offset expenses, but the organization must rely primarily on donations to care for rescued animals that otherwise would have gone to local shelters.
In July, PAL rescued six dogs and a kitten from the Okemah Animal Shelter and played an instrumental role in establishing governmental policy that transformed the shelter from a closed capture-and-kill facility to an open adoption shelter.
“We are so honored to have the Parrot Heads work on our behalf,” says Sherri. “They are a great group of people who work really hard to support a worthy cause, and they all have big hearts for animals.”
The Pirates’ Party-Ball will take place the day after the international “Talk Like A Pirate Day,” when pirate enthusiasts around the globe set aside their everyday vocabularies to speak like they just stepped off a pirate ship.  
Live music will be provided by Something Steel. The band that has drawn a record crowd at Utica Square Summer’s Fifth Night concerts and is featured at Driller’s Stadium for the annual Margaritaville Night create island sounds blended with steel drums, guitar and percussion. Of course, everyone’s favorite Jimmy Buffett tunes will be on their playlist.  
Festivities begin at 7 p.m. and continue until 11 p.m. Prizes will be awarded for the best pirate costume, the best “Talk Like A Pirate” and the best moves on the dance floor. A silent auction and donation auction will also take place, as well as the opportunity to vote select PAL animals out of a very special “jail.”
Tickets are $50 per person and $35 for Parrot Head members and Pet Adoption League volunteers. Each ticket includes open slider burger bar with all the trimmings and two free pirate punches. A cash bar is available. Tickets can be purchased through PayPal and online at
The Tulsa RV Ranch is a short drive from downtown Tulsa on Highway 75 South, at 2538 Hwy. 75 in Beggs. Anyone who wants overnight accommodations can call the ranch at (918) 267-9000.
Sponsorships, beginning at $100, are still available. Early Gold Coin Sponsors are Tulsa RV Ranch and Fat Guy’s Burgers. Early Bronze Coin Sponsors are Sav-On Printing and Sunset Plumbing Inc. Silver Coin Sponsorships (over $500) are available.
 “Come join a conga line. Meet new friends. Most importantly, have a great time for a great purpose,” says Jeanette. For more information, call Jeanette North at (918) 902-1154. 

For more information, contact

Tulsa Parrot Head Club

(918) 902-1154

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About Author Deanna Rebro

Deanna Rebro has worked in the publishing industry 30+ years, including eight years writing for Value News. She has also worked in real estate for the past six years. Deanna graduated from Kent State University in Kent, Ohio with a B.A. in Journalism. Outside of work, she serves as Vice President on the Board of Directors for Pet Adoption League. “Every story I write is a learning experience,” she said.

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Tulsa Parrot Head Club

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Tulsa Parrot Head Club

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