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Providing Propane for Seven Decades

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Categories: Home Improvement

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Mayes County Propane owner Taylor McCuistion and son Justin ensure the highest quality products and services to customers.

The couple moved to Pryor and changed the company’s name to Mayes County Propane. Their son David ran the company with the help of his son Donnie and son-in-law Taylor McCuistion until 2008. Today, Mayes County Propane is owned and operated by Taylor, with offices in Pryor and Wagoner. Both locations serve customers within a radius of approximate 50 miles.
Mayes County Propane continues the tradition of providing quality products and exemplary service throughout northeastern Oklahoma. They are the preferred propane supplier to residential, commercial and agricultural customers in nine counties including Mayes, Rogers Wagoner, Delaware, Cherokee, Craig, Muskogee, Tulsa and Okmulgee. “Our entire team is certified, trained and committed to keeping customer safety at the forefront of our minds,” said Taylor. “We’re going to take care of our customers and do our best to work with them and fill their propane needs. We enjoy talking one-on-one with customers to help educate them on fuel monitoring and how to keep their systems running properly. It is our commitment to clients that we feel sets us apart from our competitors.”
“Because of the nature of the product,” said Taylor, “Mayes County Propane utilizes the highest quality equipment to ensure that each gas delivery is completed safely and efficiently. And our knowledgeable, experienced technicians will always take the time to answer your questions about our product and services. Mayes County Propane provides high quality, clean burning propane at a competitive price.” The company also delivers 24-7 with a slight up charge for after-hours deliveries.
Mayes County Propane services include: wholesale and retail propane sales; bottles and motor fuel; full line of parts, accessories and plumbing supplies; tanks for sale or lease; system checks; propane bottles for forklifts; commercial fork lift bottle delivery program; charcoal grill bottles; out of gas calls and an auto fill program. They also offer payment plans and emergency services.
“If you own an RV or mobile home, or if you’re building a new home, remember propane when you’re planning your heating and cooking needs,” said Taylor. “In the long run, propane is less expensive than electric.” Mayes County Propane ensures that each client will be treated with the utmost respect and will receive honest, reliable, affordable service. “We look forward to having the opportunity to serve you with all your propane needs,” said Taylor, “and every delivery will be completed to the highest safety standards and will be on time as scheduled.”

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