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Putting a Stop to Back Pain

Each year, nearly a million Americans suffer from a painful vertebral compression fracture

By: Duane Blankenship | Category: Health & Fitness | Issue: August 2010

James Webb, M.D., is board certified by the American Board of ­Radiology and is a fellowship-trained interventional musculoskeletal ­radiologist, ­providing imaging and radiologic pain management services.

James Webb, M.D., is board certified by the American Board of ­Radiology and is a fellowship-trained interventional musculoskeletal ­radiologist, ­providing imaging and radiologic pain management services.

Each year, nearly a million Americans suffer from a painful vertebral compression fracture, known as VCF. Although with time most sufferers of VCF can expect to see a decrease in the amount of pain they are suffering, some will not improve without proper treatment.

Dr. James Webb of Tulsa specializes in interventional musculoskeletal radiology, interventional pain management, and orthopedic and sports medicine imaging. As the Tulsa area’s only fellowship-trained interventional musculoskeletal radiologist, he has provided comprehensive, minimally invasive spine procedures to patients since 2005. Dr. Webb stated, “I have safely and routinely fixed hundreds of vertebral compression fractures in patients who were told by other doctors that they could not have the procedure done. We have the most VCF treatment options available of any provider in the region.” Dr. Webb is also on faculty and teaches other doctors how to fix fractures. He trained at the University of Oklahoma with staff from Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins.

If you have been unable to undergo major surgery or general anesthesia due to health problems, Dr. Webb provides a ray of hope with his comprehensive, minimally invasive spine procedures. With state-of-the-art technologies and his unique skill set and focus, he has treated complex and difficult vertebral fractures that otherwise could not have been safely treated.

If a fracture is just “fixed” and the underlying cause is ignored, the result can be additional fractures. In contrast to fixing just the resulting problem and not the cause, Dr. Webb’s office provides comprehensive VCF care that includes consultation, evaluation and prescribing necessary diagnostic studies. They also provide VCF aftercare, including therapy, bracing and osteoporosis treatment when appropriate. You can learn much more about treatment options by visiting

Whether you have a painful fracture that is 10, 20, or even 30 years old, Dr. Webb has the same success rate as with newer fractures. Conservative medical practices may result in complications of vertebral compression fractures that could lead to disability and even death. Once a patient has a fracture from osteoporosis, they are five times more likely to have a second fracture. After a second fracture, the risk increases to nine times more likely. Common risk factors for VCF include being over 65, osteoporosis, cancer, metabolic disorders, Northern European ancestry, excessive alcohol intake, low dairy intake, smoking and hypothyroidism.

Most patients rate their pain as being between eight and ten on a scale of one to ten. After the medical procedure, patients typically say the pain is gone, or rate it from zero to three on the scale. “Over 90 percent of our patients report complete pain relief after the procedure,” said Dr. Webb. The average case procedure takes about 30 minutes to complete. Many are done on an outpatient basis, but a short hospital stay may be recommended if there are age or other risk factors.

“I treat more fracture patients each month than most doctors have in their entire career,” Dr. Webb explained. It’s also worth noting that he uses a specialized device in his procedures that results in saving patients money in their co-pay. Often, the savings could add up to 90 percent or more of the cost the patient might pay for equipment used in their treatment elsewhere. If you could pay $300 rather than $3,000 – and experience the same pain relief – the choice seems rather simple. Call Dr. James Webb’s office at (918) 260-9322.

For more information, contact

Dr. James Webb
Musculoskeletal ­Imaging of Tulsa

(918) 260-9322

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About Author Duane Blankenship

Blankenship graduated from the University of Oklahoma and has enjoyed a lifetime career in advertising. He started his own advertising business in 1993 and enjoys creating graphic art and writing. Hobbies include hunting, fishing and pencil drawings. Duane and his wife, Janice, have been married over 50 years and are active in their church and community. He has been a contributing writer for Value News/Values Magazine since 2005.

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Dr. James Webb - Tulsa

For more information, contact:

Dr. James Webb & Associates

(918) 260-9322 | Fax: (918) 794-8702
6550 E. 71st St. #200 | Tulsa, OK

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