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Read Books and Make New Friends Let’s Talk About It Book Club at The Museum BA!

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By Julie Brown, Executive Director, The Museum of Broken Arrow

The Museum Broken Arrow announced that it will host their next  Let’s Talk About It book series, “Coming and Going in Oklahoma Indian Country.”  The event is made possible by a grant from Oklahoma Humanities with generous funding and support from the Inasmuch Foundation, Kirkpatrick Family Fund, Oklahoma City University & NEH’s A More Perfect Union initiative.

This book club is free, held at The Museum BA, and begins at 6:30 p.m.  In addition, books for the next read will be provided for all registered participants but must be returned each month. Let’s Talk About It space is limited to the first 20 participants.

Individuals interested in attending the series can pick up their literary selections at The Museum Broken Arrow. 

“We are so thankful to have the grant opportunity through Oklahoma Humanities again this season.  These book discussions are always informative and create an expressive learning environment for all who attend. We look forward to welcoming our scholars and learning more about the books in this series.”

For more information on Let’s Talk About It, please email eat0@eau0eav0eaw0  or call (918)258-2616.
For more information on The Museum Broken Arrow, visit

Oklahoma Humanities (OH) is an independent, nonprofit organization whose mission is to strengthen communities by helping Oklahomans learn about the human experience, understanding new perspectives, and participate knowledgeably in civic life through humanities disciplines such as history, literature, film studies, art criticism, and philosophy. As the state partner for the National Endowment for the Humanities, OH provides a free educational magazine, Smithsonian Institution exhibits, reading and discussion groups, and other cultural opportunities for Oklahomans of all ages. OH engages people in their own communities, stimulating discussion and helping them explore the wider world of human experience.

The Museum Broken Arrow is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization located in historic downtown Broken Arrow.  In addition to showcasing local history, the Museum also offers events, educational opportunities and facility rental. The Museum is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Thursday 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

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