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Ready, Set, SHOP!

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Categories: Recreation/Leisure

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When Santa brings his bag of toys to children this year, in Claremore, for a handful of lucky big boys and girls, his bag will have something more practical than toys: Cash.

Claremore Chamber of Commerce’s 15th annual Santa Cash Shop Local Promotion will be giving attendees the chance to win some cash prizes this holiday season! $15,500 will be given away this year, courtesy of sponsorships from local business owners.

“The Santa Cash Shop Local Promotion is all about keeping the shopping dollars right here in Claremore,” said Katie Thibodeaux, Communications Coordinator for the Claremore Chamber of Commerce. “At participating ticket locations, shoppers can receive a Santa Cash ticket – one ticket for every ten dollars spent – and all the tickets are placed into the drawing for a chance to win. *visit for all official rules and regulations.”

Thibodeaux said the promotion begins on Friday, Nov. 2 and continues through Friday, Dec. 14, with winner drawings to be held Saturday, Dec. 15 at Cherokee Casino Will Rogers Downs, east of Claremore.

“We have a $10,000 prize from Cherokee Casino Will Rogers Downs, a $2,500 prize from Suburban Chevrolet, two $1,000 prizes from Helt Heat & Air,” she said. “Those (prizes) will be drawn live on-site at Will Rogers Downs, but after the event concludes, we will have one final $1,000 drawing from CIEDA (Claremore Industrial and Economic Development Authority). For this, we’ll draw four additional tickets and post one of the (ticket) number on the Chamber website, a different number each week until the person with the winning ticket claims it.”

Major sponsors and a few locations from which Santa Cash tickets may be obtained for this year’s Santa Cash Shop Local promotion are J&J Pharmacy (Candy Cane Ticket Sponsor), CIEDA (Mistletoe Sponsor), Suburban Chevrolet (Mrs. Clause Sponsor), RCB Bank, Claremore Daily Progress, Carol’s Place, Grand Bank, BancFirst, and US Mortgage Corporation (Reindeer Sponsors), Cherokee Casino and Will Rogers Downs (Santa Sponsor), and Helt Heat & Air (Snowflake Sponsor).

Additional ticket locations include Claremore Compounding & Pharmacy, Stanley’s Get It Today, Reasor’s, Speedy Lube, Robertson Tire, Claremore Tire Center, TTCU Federal Credit Union, Boom-a-Rang Diner, Walke Brothers Meat, The District on Main, Stillwater Milling, El Maguey, Atwoods, LoliPop A Sweet Boutique, Midtown Rental, Claremore Market, Paradise Donuts, and the Claremore Area Chamber of Commerce. *All locations subject to change.

Thibodeaux said the Santa Cash Shop Local promotion only gets better each year in positive response from the public and the support that the annual promotion gives back to the local economy.

“Santa Cash has always been such a popular promotion – it gives people the opportunity to shop for Christmas or just shop in general at our fine shops and businesses, the chance at winning a portion of $15,500,” she said.

Winners must be present to win at the live drawing, and for the online drawing, ticket holders must present their ticket for verification to an official at the Claremore Chamber of Commerce.

For more information, contact the Claremore Chamber of Office at 918-341-2818, email Thibodeaux at eat0@eau0eav0eaw0 or visit the Claremore Chamber of Commerce website at

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