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Real Life Love Story: Angela and Brant

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Meet Brant and Angela, two longtime Oklahomans – though Brant would be quick to tell you that he’s a Northern Californian at heart, originally from the Lake Tahoe area. In 1979, Brant moved to Tulsa to study at the Spartan College of Aeronautics and Technology. Brant thought he was paving his way for his professional future, but apparently, the move was meant to be life-changing in more ways than one. Brant’s roommate worked at Target, and his colleagues would sometimes hang out at Brant’s apartment, including one born-and-bred young Oklahoman woman.

Four years later, in 1983, Brant and that unassuming girl who worked at Target were married. They “had the same values and just clicked from the start,” and nearly 40 years later, they’re still clicking and have already left a legacy on the Tulsa area through their son, daughter, and countless rescue dogs they’ve seen through to adoption. They now live in Coweta, where Brant is a full-time inspector for American Airlines and Angela is a part-time personal shopper. Still, what they enjoy doing together the most is rescuing dogs from the animal overpopulation crisis in Oklahoma. Angela is the President of CARE Rescue (, while Brant is a frequent volunteer and stalwart to CARE’s Saturday adoption days at PetSmart.

“If it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t be in dog rescue. She roped me in,” Brant says about Angela with a smile.
They had both always loved animals, but after fostering two Great Danes for seven months after an abrupt owner surrender, it sparked an urge to do more for the people (and the dogs) in similar situations.

“Brant is patient, positive, and never criticizes,” Angela says. Brant notes that he admires Angela’s compassion towards animals, adding, “It’s incredible how many have gone through [CARE Rescue] and through our house.” And there have been more than a few: together, Angela and Brant have seen hundreds of dogs go through their house alone. In 2020, CARE Rescue adopted out 240 dogs in an operation that exceeds $100,000 in annual expenses, though it still struggles to get enough donations and foster volunteers.

The longtime couple still finds time for each other and their family, cheerily recalling their trips to diverse locales, including a cabin in Arkansas, a cruise ship in Alaska, and a romantic getaway to Niagara Falls. “Most of those vacations are with the children and my mom, but Niagara was just the two of us,” Angela caveats with a grin.

When asked what advice they’d have for younger couples, Angela said, “Take time and enjoy building that special bond with one another.” They suggest waiting to have kids if possible, but if you still want to take on some extra responsibility, consider fostering a cat or dog in the interim.

Now, Brant and Angela are the loving guardians to five dogs, five cats, two horses, and even two donkeys. “Not many men would put up with what he’s put up with,” Angela says as Brant laughs.

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