Real People Working for a Common Goal

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Categories: Automotive

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Executive team (left to right): Tre Fuselier, Trena McGill, Vincent Marcheselli, executive manager Charles Mulkey (center), Will Turner, Eddie Saxon and Dustin Hightower.

March 2019: In July 2017, Route 66 Chevrolet opened doors at I-44 & Memorial in Tulsa. In an interview with executive manager Chuck Mulkey, the recurring theme was great employees who are all real people, teamwork, family, and making Route 66 Chevrolet the absolute best they can be. With Route 66 from the start, Mulkey has been in the automotive business for 30 years and was recently promoted to executive manager. He takes pride in the team that he refers to as a family.

“We are a team focused on making the company greater than ever,” he said. “The location has a new name, but many great employees are still here and several who once were here have come back. We have the right people in the right places.”  Mulkey plus general sales manager Dustin Hightower, controller Trena McGill, used car director Eddie Saxon and floor manager Will Turner provide faith-focused leadership to round out the executive management team.

Mulkey also emphasized the expertise of employees who are rarely seen by the public but play an integral role in the success and integrity of daily operations. Although behind the scenes, these “family” members are on top of accounting procedures, warranty administration, parts acquisitions, service and much more. Many of the dealership’s key leaders have prior military service, and the organization definitely has a heart for the military.

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Sales department: Dustin Hightower, Hal Smith, Mike Dean, Trevor Lambkins, Nick Ivey, Tyler Dodd, Colt Morgan, Randy Christian, Cody Thomas, Trena McGill, executive manager Charles Mulkey, Antonio Younger, Deontrey Thomas, Will Turner, Tyler Arndt, Edward Thompson, Derrick Dearmon, Carlos Lopez, Destin Metoyer, Craig Thomas, Yarsi Jemmott and Vlad Cortes.

They appreciate the hard-working people who come to the store hoping to find a vehicle. “We do what we say we’re going to do,” says Mulkey, “and we want to help you find the car you need at a price you feel is right. A driving purpose is to build lifetime relationships with our valued customers.”

Mulkey announced that his team focuses on building the largest fleet and commercial vehicle department in the Tulsa area. Look to them for sales and service whether beginning or adding to your fleet lineup.

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Service team (left to right): Lee Boyse, Phillip Padgett, Ken Adams, David Willard, Don Hardcastle, Mike Rener and Danny Jones.

“We genuinely want to stay plugged into our community,” stated Mulkey. “Last year we were a sponsor of the ‘Tulsa St. Jude Dream Home Giveaway,’ benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, and we’re doing it again this year.”  St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is based in Memphis, Tennessee, but since it opened in 1962, doctors there have treated children from all 50 states and 70 foreign countries, children with catastrophic diseases like cancer. Win a house. Help save children’s lives. Tickets will be available this spring for a chance to win a home, a Chevrolet vehicle from Rt. 66, and other prizes.

The mission of St. Jude is to advance cures, and means of prevention, for pediatric cancer and other catastrophic diseases through research and treatment. Specifically, they wish to increase the cure rates to over 90 percent for the major forms of childhood cancer and advance research and treatment of specific childhood diseases such as sickle cell disease and pulmonary infectious diseases. When St. Jude opened its doors in 1962, only 20 percent of children with cancer survived. Today, helped by innovative research at St. Jude, over 80 percent survive. Consistent with the vision of founder Danny Thomas, no family ever receives a bill for treatment, travel, housing or food. This allows treatment and research to be conducted at St. Jude in an unsurpassed manner. St. Jude is a world leader in both providing treatment to children and making scientific discoveries that will save the lives of more children in the future.

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Accounting office (left to right): Jennifer Bambrough, Bellamy Garcia, Keyona Williams, Dawn Pepe, Trena McGill, Lisa Bambach, Marilyn Hull and Jerrica Owens.

St. Jude serves as a global resource by sharing their knowledge and discoveries with health care and scientific research professionals around the world. Integral to the success of the organization is their ability to raise the necessary funds to support the mission and accelerate progress. They make discoveries and treatment innovations widely available to the global health care and research communities. They share the primary data from research freely with those wishing to use the information for research purposes.

Mulkey also announced the introduction of RED (Remember Everyone Deployed) Shirt Fridays. Each Friday, members of the military or their families receive special prices on all vehicles and services at Route 66 Chevrolet.

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Parts department (left to right): Dennis Sullivan, Leroy Wheatley, Ray Bishop, Marty Hawksworth, Jeff Cooper, Chris Allison, Mike Downum, Carlos Barillas and fleet manager and truck shop Joe Baker.

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