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Rebecca Lowe Muratet Seeks to Serve

Rebecca Lowe Muratet knows the importance of giving back to her community.

By: Carol Beck-Round | Category: Other | Issue: May 2008

Rebecca Lowe Muratet wants to work for the best interest of the community through the office of Rogers County Clerk.

Rebecca Lowe Muratet knows the importance of giving back to her community, and she credits her father for the honesty and strong work ethic she has developed in life. Muratet’s work ethic has led her to seek the office of Rogers County Clerk.

“I believe that working for the best interest of the community, without having a personal agenda, should be the purpose of holding a public office,” says Muratet. “A truly good public leader must have a servant’s heart.”

Residing in Rogers County since 1961, Muratet has been a public servant since the age of 12, when she worked as dishwasher and later as waitress in a family-owned restaurant. “Living in Rogers County has afforded my family the opportunity to grow, live and prosper in a thriving society,” she says.

A mother and grandmother, Muratet is an active member of her church community and serves as a court-appointed special advocate for children through the CASA volunteer program. She is also a former “big sister” with the Big Brothers and Big Sisters organization, and she served as a former board member and trustee of the Town Council of Chelsea.

Through her responsibilities in her current job as administrative assistant to the Rogers County commissioners, Muratet has been involved with every aspect of business concerning the commissioners: land records, plats, planning issues, board meeting agendas and minutes, deposits on behalf of the county, receiving agent duties to the general government accounts, purchase orders, employee issues, scheduling and accounts payable.

“Eventually, all business concerning Rogers County comes through the county commissioners office, and that is where you will find me,” she says. “It is a rewarding job and one in which I am very proficient.”

Muratet’s experience in the commissioner’s office has helped her become acquainted with the duties of the county clerk’s office. “I possess the strong leadership skills required to maintain a competent staff that will meet the needs of the public and the needs of all Rogers County employees,” says Muratet.

One very important aspect of the office, Muratet explains, is the need to maintain a well-organized, employee-minded human resources department. “This department should be well-groomed and familiar with every facet concerning the needs of every employee of Rogers County.”

Muratet believes the department’s goal should be to give confidence to each employee that time will be given to answer any questions concerning his or her finances, insurance needs, benefits or any other work-related question. She says, “For the citizens, this will develop a more efficiently operated county.”

Muratet says she also strives to develop better surroundings for those who come to the county clerk’s office to do research, by creating a user-friendly environment committed to computer-savvy customers’ needs.

Rebecca Lowe Muratet is focused on working for the citizens of Rogers County. She created a motto for the department: “It’s about service for the people of Rogers County…All the people.”

For more information, contact

Rebecca Lowe Muratet

(918) 798-1400


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About Author Carol Beck-Round

After 30 years in public school education, Carol Round retired and moved from Grand Lake to Claremore, Oklahoma in 2005, where she writes a weekly faith-based column which runs in 14 Oklahoma newspapers as well as several national and international publications. Three volumes of her columns have been compiled into collections: A Matter of Faith, Faith Matters and by FAITH alone. She has also written Journaling with Jesus: How to Draw Closer to God and a companion workbook, The 40-Day Challenge. This past year she has written three children’s books, a series called Nana’s 3 Jars, to teach children about the value of giving, saving and spending money. All of Carol’s books are available through Amazon. In addition to writing her weekly column, authoring books and speaking to women’s groups, she writes for Value News. She also blogs regularly at When she is not writing or speaking, she loves spending time with her three grandchildren, working in her flowerbeds, shooting photos, volunteering at her church or going on mission trips overseas, and hiking. She is also an avid reader and loves working crosswords and trying to solve Sudoku puzzles.

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Rebecca Lowe Muratet

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Rebecca Lowe Muratet


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