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Rogers County Fair Fun

Visit this year’s fair for fun and entertainment.

By: Duane Blankenship | Category: In Our Communities | Issue: September 2007

Donna Patterson, Cindy Griffith and Andrea St. John show off ribbons from the 1922, 1924 and 1925 Rogers County Fairs that were originally won by the mother of Stanley Thomas, former mayor of Claremore.

As fall quickly approaches, Oklahoma residents anticipate the 2007 Rogers County Fair. Held at the Claremore Expo Center, this year’s fair will run from September 12 through 17. The designated days for participants in the fair to enter and check in are Wednesday, September 12, and Thursday, September 13. The remaining days will be chockfull of things for spectators to see and do.

Donna Patterson, Cindy Griffith and Andrea St. John, employees of the Oklahoma State University Extension, report that this year’s event should be one of the best Rogers County Fairs in history. St. John says, “It takes great effort from a lot of people to make our event happen, and numerous folks have really worked hard to ensure the success of this year’s county fair.”

The 2007 board members have been responsible for planning the event, and they make every effort to ensure the fair’s success. Members include Bob Heidlage, president, Lyle Blakley, vice president, Mark Robertson, treasurer, and Gerome Teehee, secretary. Other members include Mike Cox, Richard Gebhart, Ronald Burrows, Kevin Lynch and Amie Woodward. Donna Priore serves as legal representative. The fair board extends a warm welcome to all residents of Rogers County and surrounding areas and invites everyone to exhibit at or attend the county fair.

Anticipated at this year’s event are a large number of quality exhibits, plenty of entertainment and a place for families and friends to have a good time. The success of the fair depends on the county’s residents and their participation. This year’s fair will have an educational value and will assist in maintaining the morale of various Rogers County organizations. The production of more and better food products will be encouraged by the Rogers County farmers, the 4-H club, as well as Future Farmers of America members.

According to Andrea St. John, board members for the Rogers County Fair are wrapping up their preparations and are expecting a great event.

Just a few of the main attractions that will take place at the 2007 Rogers County Fair include animal shows featuring swine, dogs, cows, meat goats, rabbits. A variety of contests will be held, including a gravy-making competition, an archery contest, pedal tractor pulls and antique tractor pulls. Most contests will have a division for anyone, starting at the beginner level and moving up to intermediate and expert. Quarter horses, Palominos, Buckskins, Paints, Pintos, Appaloosas, ponies and more will be featured in a variety of horse shows. The Rogers County 4-H Horse Club will also host its Fun Show. For canine lovers, dog shows are on the fair’s schedule, along with showmanship and obedience classes. Of course, baking, canning and cooking competitions are a must at any county fair. Do not miss out on the art and photography exhibitions either. See the adjacent list for Rogers County Fair events and times.

Come out and support Rogers County by having fun at this year’s fair. Be sure not to miss out on all the fun throughout the event, ending with the junior livestock auction on Monday, September 17, at 7:30 p.m. For additional information, contact the Oklahoma State University Extension office at (918) 341-2736.

Rogers County Fair Main Events

Thursday, Sept. 13
9 a.m. Junior Farm Equipment Operators Contest
Noon Sheep Show
7 p.m. Horse Show Speed Events

Friday, Sept. 14
9 a.m. Official opening of all exhibit buildings
9:30 a.m. Swine Show
1 p.m. Archery Contest
6 p.m. Dog Show and Dog Fun Show
6 - 9 p.m. 4-H Steak Dinner Fundraiser
7 p.m. Meat Goat Division Show
10 p.m. All exhibit buildings close

Saturday, Sept. 15
8 a.m. Rabbit Judging
9 a.m. Official opening of all exhibit buildings
4-H and FFA Jr. Poultry Judging
Beef Show
10 a.m. Horse Show (Halter Classes)
1 p.m. Cooking Competition
2 p.m. Horse Show (English & Western)
3:30 p.m. Tractor Pull
5 p.m. Pet Show
7 p.m. Dairy Show
10 p.m. All exhibit buildings close

Sunday, Sept. 16
8 a.m. Dairy Goat Show
10 a.m. Crops Judging Contest
11 a.m. Rabbit Fun Show
Noon 4-H Horse Club Fun Show
2 p.m. Cloverbud Horse Show
4 p.m. All exhibit buildings close

Monday, Sept. 17
7:30 p.m. Jr. Livestock Premium Auction

­­­­­­­­­­For more inform­­ation, contact

Oklahoma State University Extension

219 S. Missouri, Rm B-115, Claremore, OK 74017
(918) 341-2736

Image of things to do in Claremore, Oklahoma
Duane Blankenship Profile Picture

About Author Duane Blankenship

Blankenship graduated from the University of Oklahoma and has enjoyed a lifetime career in advertising. He started his own advertising business in 1993 and enjoys creating graphic art and writing. Hobbies include hunting, fishing and pencil drawings. Duane and his wife, Janice, have been married over 50 years and are active in their church and community. He has been a contributing writer for Value News/Values Magazine since 2005.

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