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Rogers County Fair – Where Tradition Meets Tomorrow

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Categories: Arts & Entertainment

By, Macy Goodnight; 

It’s time for The Rogers County Fair! Pick up a pumpkin spice latte and head over to the Claremore Expo for this 106-year Rogers County tradition. It’s a family-friendly kick-off to fall with a little something for everyone.  This year the 2020 fair will be a little different to accommodate COVID-19 precautions but will still include most of the features everyone looks forward to each year. The fair will include fireworks, live entertainment, carnival rides, food trucks, fair food, livestock and horse shows, shopping, and 4-H / FFA projects.

After months of planning, the Fair Board has redesigned this year’s fair to include many outdoor activities in open areas with plenty of space, fresh air, and room to enjoy the fair. We are taking extra safety measures while following CDC and state guidelines. We will have extra handwashing and sanitizing stations placed throughout the grounds, and we are recommending masks for all fairgoers, indoor activities will be fewer and designed with extra space. We are encouraging masks and social distancing in all areas. Those who have potentially been exposed to the COVID-19 virus, are symptomatic or part of a vulnerable population are asked to skip the fair this year. We’ll miss having you there but certainly want everyone to be cautious, given the circumstances.

For dates, times, and details on the 2020 Rogers County Fair, visit

The fair will take place at the Claremore Expo Center September 17-20th. 

The County Square is open to the public from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

Livestock and Horse shows will take place in the barn Thursday thru Sunday. 

The carnival hours will be Thursday 6-10 p.m.; Friday 6-10 p.m.; Saturday 1 p.m.-5 p.m. & 6-10 p.m.; Sunday 1-5 p.m.

For more information, check the website or call 918-342-5357.

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