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Roses, Chalk & Kites, Oh My!

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Rowen Stephens chasing kites.

The much-awaited season of spring not only brings colorful flowers but also a combination of festivals held in the Broken Arrow Rose District sure to put a spring in your step and smile on your face.

This year, the city decided to combine forces, and bring the Rose Festival, Kite Festival and Chalk it Up all in one spectacular weekend.

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Beginning at 5 p.m. on Friday, May 31, local artists will create unique works of art using only a 10x10 square of Main Street, chalk and lots of imagination. All age levels are encouraged to enter with entry fees ranging from $35 to $50 depending on age. Cash prizes will be given for the following categories in each age level: Best 3D art, best interpretation of this year’s theme, “This is Home,” best use of materials, best in show and of course, people’s choice. Best in show will even get to see their art on next year festival’s official T-shirt. Judging concludes the following afternoon. Deadline to enter is May 24.

“The amazing aspect of this festival, is that it gives a creative outlet to artists who may not otherwise have the opportunity to showcase their art,” says Jennifer Deal, Co-Chairwoman for Chalk It Up.

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On to Saturday, the Rose Festival kicks off. You can view the Rose Art Contest and Exhibit in the Broken Arrow Museum, or, bring your own prize rose to be judged in the following categories: Color, youth, most fragrant, small and large bouquet and best in show. Vases will be provided to those who wish to compete. Cash prizes, as well as ribbons, will be awarded. Garden experts will be on hand to answer any of your horticulture questions. In addition, 2,000 rose bracelets will be given out at the welcome booth.

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Beverly Forester, Chairwoman of The Rose Festival, boasts “These festivals bring awareness to the beautiful Rose District and all that it has to offer,” adding “this year should be particularly exciting. It’s really going to be more of everything.”

Indeed, not only will the festivals coincide with each other, but local musicians and artisans will be there showcasing their talents, as well as food trucks, loads of children’s activities and vendors from the Rose District Farmers Market on hand selling their fares. Local shops will also be open for business.

The festivities, sponsored in part by Keep Broken Arrow Beautiful, ArtsOK, Walmart, City of Broken Arrow, Broken Arrow Community Foundation, Hideaway Pizza and AVB, conclude Sunday with Rose Kites over Broken Arrow. 1000 free kites will be available to decorate Saturday and Sunday, or you can bring your own to fly over the sunny Oklahoma skies at Events Park, located at 21101 E 101st Street. Spectators will be able to see Tulsa Wind Riders and stunt kite flying in addition to flying their own creations.

All events are free to the public and are sure to be a weekend young and old won’t soon forget. More information can be found on the Visit Broken Arrow, OK! App or on Facebook.

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