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Santa Cash Is Back

Get your share of $14,000 in cash prizes to be given away during Claremore’s Santa Cash 2009.

By: Deanna Rebro | Category: Other | Issue: November 2009

Committee members Valerie Gunter and Julie Adams wonder who the seven lucky winners will be in Santa Cash 2009.

Get your share of $14,000 in cash prizes to be given away during Claremore’s Santa Cash 2009.  

Cash will be awarded to seven lucky ticketholders on December 19. The prizes, ranging from $1,000 to a grand prize of $5,000, will be given away at Cherokee Casino Will Rogers Downs. “This is our way of rewarding shoppers for keeping their holiday dollars in the community,” explains Julie Adams, AVP/Regional Manager for 1st Bank Oklahoma and committee chair for this year’s event.

The Santa Cash campaign, in its seventh year, begins at noon on November 13 and ends at noon on December 18. Ask for a coupon at any participating retailer, bank, restaurant, service provider or specialty store. No purchase is necessary; however, for every $10 spent, you’ll receive an additional coupon.

The drawings will take place at 1 p.m. on Saturday, December 19 at the Cherokee Casino Will Rogers Downs, 20900 S. 4200 Rd. Plenty of parking is available, and everyone is encouraged to arrive early and take advantage of the $5.99 luncheon buffet, free gift wrapping, and an additional $1,000 drawing from Will Rogers Downs at 3 p.m. Registration is free and will be at guest services. Will Rogers Downs will feature Oklahoma's largest living Christmas tree. To begin this annual family tradition, they are requesting that you bring an ornament for the tree. They will save those ornaments and display them through the coming years. Santa Claus will be on hand, and who knows? Anything can happen – he may have more special prizes for those in attendance.  

Claremore Chamber of Commerce president Dell Davis emphasizes the need to hold on to all your tickets and to be at the drawing. For the past two years, the first name drawn was not there. You must be present to win!

Dell recalls how the Santa Cash prize money has made a huge difference in people’s lives. Winners have included a single mother with young children who would not have had a Christmas otherwise, and a gentleman on disability who could barely make ends meet. Dell has also seen prize winners return part of their money to local charities.  

Julie says she is grateful to all the sponsors who pulled together to offer this much money. Even in a tough economy, they were able to add five $1,000 cash prizes in addition to the $1,500, $2,500 and $5,000 prizes. “Someone can walk into a business, not spend a dime, and still win a prize,” adds Dell.

Cherokee Casino Will Rogers Downs is the presenting sponsor for this year’s Santa Cash event. Other sponsors include Suburban Chevrolet, RCB Bank, 1st Bank Oklahoma, Walmart (no tickets distributed), The Claremore Daily Progress, Grand Bank, Bank of Commerce and the Claremore Chamber of Commerce.

New this year, Santa Cash will have five additional $1,000 drawings. Shoppers who visit participating merchants on "Tinsel Tuesday" will receive a special registration form that will only be distributed on Tuesdays throughout the five-week promotion. Those registrations will be placed in separate hoppers on drawing day. "Shoppers must still be present to win on December 19, but we are excited that they will have these additional opportunities to win cash," adds Julie.

Not new to the promotion but a great option for those who can't attend on drawing day for a variety of reasons, the Santa Cash committee reminds you that you are still eligible to win $1,500 by checking the Chamber website and the Claremore Daily Progress for a winning ticket. Four tickets will be drawn, and one of those four will be posted for each week or until a winning ticket is presented. "It will be important for you to continue to check your Santa Cash tickets – you could still win $1,500 without attending on drawing day. We are happy to offer this opportunity," says Dell. "We know there are a number of people who are leaving for the holidays and those who can't attend for health reasons. We thought it was important for those shoppers to also have an opportunity to win, since they supported the promotion by shopping in our community."

For a complete list of participating businesses, check the Chamber of Commerce website. For more information, call (918) 341-2818.

For more information, contact

Claremore Chamber of Commerce

(918) 341-2818

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About Author Deanna Rebro

Deanna Rebro has worked in the publishing industry 30+ years, including eight years writing for Value News. She has also worked in real estate for the past six years. Deanna graduated from Kent State University in Kent, Ohio with a B.A. in Journalism. Outside of work, she serves as Vice President on the Board of Directors for Pet Adoption League. “Every story I write is a learning experience,” she said.

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Claremore Chamber of Commerce

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Claremore Chamber of Commerce

(918) 341-2818
419 W Will Rogers Blvd | Claremore, OK

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