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See It, Make It, Give It

OHCE offers a day to learn and share holiday gift ideas Monday, October 26 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

By: Deanna Rebro | Category: In Our Communities | Issue: October 2015

Michelle Bonicelli, Kathy Erwin, and Julaine Farless show some of the items you can learn to make at the Happy Holiday Gift Ideas event.

Michelle Bonicelli, Kathy Erwin, and Julaine Farless show some of the items you can learn to make at the Happy Holiday Gift Ideas event.

Oklahoma Home and Community Education (OHCE) presents “Happy Holiday Gift Ideas” on Monday, October 26 at the OSU Extension Office, 4116 E. 15th St. in Tulsa, from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. Eleven food and crafts demonstrations by OHCE members will provide gift ideas that anyone can make and enjoy giving (and receiving).
See demonstrations for embroidery, Mason jar and jar ring makeovers, cloth gift baskets, a watercolor greeting card, quilting, a yo-yo mania Christmas tree, a poly mesh wreath, an easy sewing project, jewelry made from wire and two holiday food items. Each demonstration is budget conscious, with several projects featuring repurposed or reinvented items already in your home. A booklet with easy-to-follow instructions, patterns and recipes is included.
Kathy Erwin, membership committee chairperson, Tulsa County, says this is a first of what they hope will become an annual event. “We gave this a holiday theme,” she says, “but what is really nice is how most of the projects can be adapted seasonally for any gift-giving occasion.” And you don’t need prior skill in any area to produce an attractive and welcome gift.
If you have always wanted to try our hand at quilting, embroidery or jewelry making, this is the perfect opportunity to learn something new in the company of other ladies united in the same effort. There will be five presentations before a lunch of taco soup and chocolate dessert, and six presentations after lunch. Cost, including lunch, is $8 per person. Seating is limited so reservations must be made by October 15.
“We are proud to serve the community in this unique and special way,” says Kathy. “We want people to get to know us and what we do, and hopefully join one of our seven groups in Tulsa County.” Representatives from each of the groups – Candleliters, Daisies, Eastside, Jenks, Owasso Pioneers, Southside Neighbors, and Valley View – will be on hand to introduce themselves and the specific community service project they support, which include Happy Hands School for the Deaf, Quilts of Valor, Jenks Food Bank, and Tulsa Count Emergency Shelter.
All groups uphold the goal to develop leadership and to promote and extend the best interests of the family, home and community through the associations in all 77 counties. Countywide projects include cultural enrichment, family issues, healthy living, a holiday luncheon, membership, promotional sales, resource management, scholarships, and the Tulsa County Fair.
The 80-year-old OHCE grew out of home demonstration clubs who made it their mission to distribute educational information on agricultural and home economics to individuals who did not attend college. Now under the umbrella of OSU Cooperative Extension, sharing information and teaching skills to others is still one of OHCE’s major tenets.  
Anyone who wants to learn something new on October 26, and have a lot of fun getting into the holiday spirit, should send a check for $8 no later than October 15 to OHCE-TC, 8536 E. 7th St., Tulsa, OK 74112-4810.

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About Author Deanna Rebro

Deanna Rebro has worked in the publishing industry 30+ years, including eight years writing for Value News. She has also worked in real estate for the past six years. Deanna graduated from Kent State University in Kent, Ohio with a B.A. in Journalism. Outside of work, she serves as Vice President on the Board of Directors for Pet Adoption League. “Every story I write is a learning experience,” she said.

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