Sign Up for Voter Alert System

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Danny Delozier, Chairman, Rogers County Commissioners; Julie Dermody, Secretary, Rogers County Election Board; and Scotty Stokes, Rogers County Emergency Management Director.

Are you part of the population that sees a “Vote Here” sign at your polling place and wonder, “Do I vote today?” or “What is this vote for?” If so, you are not alone. For those living in Rogers County or Tulsa County, there are approximately 32 separate entities in both counties that can call an election on any of seven selected dates for even years or 11 dates for odd years. In today’s world, we are in the information now generation. The trouble is most election information is still playing it old school. But for those living in Rogers County, the tables have turned and election information is now available at your fingertips.
After months of research and planning, the Rogers County Election Board has been approved to utilize the Citizen Alert system to notify voters about elections. The current system utilized by Emergency Management now has an option under Community Alerts, for citizens to opt in for Election Alerts.
Those citizens who sign up for the Citizens Alert System and opt in for the election notifications will only be notified for those elections in which they are eligible to vote. Links to sample ballots as well as polling place information can be had at the touch of a finger, either on their smart phone or via their email. Citizens who only have land lines will be sent a voice recording about the election date and will be encouraged to contact the Election Board for more information.
It does take about three to five minutes to sign up for the alert system. The information you will need is your name, address, contact number and/or email address. Visit the and follow the link under the Welcome heading.
“Our goal is to use the best information outlets so voters/citizens will have the opportunity to be made aware of an election. We want Rogers County citizens to engage in their right to vote, and believe that this alert system will allow more citizens to have knowledge of elections that affect them personally. As in the old School House cartoon’s motto, ‘Knowledge is Power,’” said Scotty Stokes, Rogers County Emergency Management Director. “We want to set the bar high. Can you imagine the impact of what an 80% - 90% voter turnout would be?”     
Voting is your right; use it! Voting is the opportunity to contribute to the political process, not just on a national scale but locally. Our system was created to work best when everyone participates. Your vote matters to your community, state and nation, and your vote is how you let the government hear your opinion. We live in a Constitutional Republic, a system of government in which you as a United States citizen have the privilege and right to participate. The Rogers County Election Board is excited to provide you this new tool. We hope you will take advantage and participate.

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