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Silly Oklahoma Laws

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Categories: In Our Communities

Most know, ignorance of the law is no defense, yet many laws are commonly broken and committed unknowingly.  Some people think they are good citizens of the state of Oklahoma, yet they break laws on a regular basis.  Check the list below.

1. Citizens should take care in how they interact with a dog.  Individuals who make ugly faces at a canine can be fined and/or jailed.

2. When paying respect at a funeral in Oklahoma City, never tip over a casket.  It is an illegal act.

3. Never take a bite out of another individual’s hamburger. It is illegal in the state of Oklahoma.

4. When having an overwhelming desire to spit, spit in the grass.  It is against the law to spit on an Oklahoma sidewalk.

5. Women Can’t ‘Do’ Their Own Hair. In what can only be chalked up to ‘the worlds greatest lobbyists earning their pay,’ it is true that women in this great state may not cut and style their own hair without a license from the state to do so.

6. When riding on a public bus, make sure to leave the guppy at home.  Fish may not be contained in fishbowls while on a public bus.

7. Pooped out and need to take a break?  Then don’t lean against a public building in Clinton.  It is an act subject to a fine.

8. When parking outside any public building, make sure to tie up the car.  Having an untethered vehicle is a crime.

9. Laundry piling up?  Make a note.  Never, never wash clothes in a birdbath in Wynona.  It may mean a night in the pokey. 

10. Imagine this, it’s a hot day, and a cold soda would hit the spot.  Hold off.  Don’t open the bottle alone.  It takes the supervision of a licensed engineer to carry on with the task in Tulsa.

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