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Still a Classic

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Classic Chevrolet Service Director Mike Fitzpatrick.

Classic Chevrolet of Owasso has been locally owned by Wayne Cline and Keith Haney since 1988. The dealership is well established and respected throughout northeastern Oklahoma. Service Director Mike Fitzpatrick celebrates his 23rd year with Classic Chevrolet in Owasso this year and says, “I still enjoy coming to work each day because of all the great employees in the Classic organization, especially those I work directly with in our service department.” Mike grew up in Haskell, Oklahoma, a small community southeast of Broken Arrow and has served a total of 29 years in the automotive business.
“It’s amazing how long our service department employees have been with the company,” says Mike. “They stay with us while other shops have high employee turnover rates. I think it says something about our two-way street of loyalty.” Mike mentions the names of some of his employees and the number of years they had been with Classic: Dale Garrison, service advisor, 21 years (Dale actually has nearly 60 years in the automotive business); Bob Wade, warranty administrator, 21 years; and Technicians Adam Pratt, 19 years; Danny Henry, 15 years; Todd Brown, 15 years; and Nick Score, 16 years. In this day and age, this many years of service to one organization is really quite remarkable.
“Our staff is always way over GM training standards,” adds Mike. “We’re usually around 340% trained, which means Classic Chevrolet provides training opportunities to our personnel well over required or expected levels. Not only do we have the latest and greatest state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment, but our technicians are highly skilled at using it.”
In addition to the routine services provided by an automotive service department, Classic also provides products and services including tires, oil changes, engine repair and replacement, brake service, and heavy line engine and diesel repair on GM products.
Loyd Hensley is Classic’s GM Certified diesel technician and an engine repair expert with diesel truck products. Loyd has worked on Duramax Diesel engines since their introduction in 2001 in Chevy trucks. The Duramax was a vast improvement over GM’s previous indirect-injection diesel, and Chevy beat two major competitors to the punch with its 2001 model year introduction. Mike says his team is part of a nationwide network of diesel technicians who report new repair problems whenever they are encountered. Anyone in the network experiencing a diesel repair issue finds reassurance knowing that other diesel experts have probably encountered and reported the same problem, plus their recommendations on making the repair.
When your car, truck or diesel needs repair or service, please remember Mike at Classic Chevrolet and his staff of qualified advisors and technicians. They are willing and able to quickly get you back on the road.

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