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Straight Shooting With Customers

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Categories: Shopping/Retail

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Danny Jones and Andy Shidell opened Crusader Tactical in Broken Arrow on July 5th of this year.  Their history dates back to college where they were fraternity brothers.

Danny Jones and Andy Shidell have a history dating back to college where they were fraternity brothers.  The two became good friends and kept in touch after graduation. Danny grew up in Broken Arrow and ran a sand and gravel business with his brother and sister.  Andy is from Mustang, OK, and was employed  as a U.S. probation officer and firearms instructor.  He also competed with pistols.  Both men formally retired about two years ago.
The guys had previous discussions about one day opening a business together.  Shortly after retirement, there was talk about a gun shop, but the idea was temporarily shelved.  This year, the decision was finally made and Crusader Tactical opened on July 5th, 2017.
Danny was introduced to his first AR rifle five years ago and was immediately hooked.  Contrary to popular belief, AR does NOT stand for Assault Rifle.  AR stands for the original company that manufactured it, ArmaLite.  With a simple barrel and receiver switch, this rifle can fire various calibers and sizes of ammunition ranging from .22LR to .50BMG.
With a modular accessory rail, dozens of aftermarket accessories are available to completely customize the AR to personal shooting styles.  The AR is an effective weapon for home defense, hunting, sharpshooting and just fun target shooting at the range.
The guys are enjoying their opportunity.  “I get to say, ‘yes’ to customers every day,” says Andy.  “In my other job I didn’t get to do that very often!”  They also perform light gunsmith services.  
“We treat customers like we want to be treated,” Andy says.  “Courtesy, respect and a smile on your face goes a long way in whatever you’re doing.  Although we’re both new to retail, we’re learning new things every day.”  
Their major lines include: Glock, S&W, Ruger, Canik, Sig Saur, Springfield, Remington, Taurus, Mossberg and Walther.  Anderson Manufacturing, Strike Industries, Bushmaster, Del-Ton, Core 15, Bear Creek Arsenal, Century Arms, Aero Precision and Athlon Optics.
When you visit Crusader Tactical you’ll be impressed with the product and accessory displays and the overall cleanliness.  They partner with US Law Shield and are an Authorized Glock Stocking Dealer.  “Our store pushes gun safety,” says Danny, “and we will be offering an NRA Home Protection Course shortly after the first of the year.”

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