Streamlined for Success

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Administrator Norma Tyler, Dr. Andrew Carletti and Karen Summers offer a hands-on approach to training dental assistants.

Dental Careers of Tulsa specializes in practical, short-term and affordable dental assistant training with real-world application.The privately-owned program is licensed by the Oklahoma Board of Private Vocational Schools and  has been training dental assistants in a fast-track environment since 1998.

The course runs in ten-weeks sessions which meet from 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. on Saturdays, a perfect fit for anyone looking for a career change but still tied to a full-time job. The school is operated under the constant care and commitment of its founders, the Carletti family of dental health professionals.
“Dental assistant training is so much more than setting up a tray,” said Program Administrator Norma Tyler. “Students are typically ready to work immediately upon finishing the program.”
The program helps students stay on track with all necessary certifications and documents so there are no unfortunate surprises, connecting them with where they need to go and helping them understand additional requirements.
Throughout the ten-week program, students constantly interact with doctors and dental staff. Through these interactions, students come to understand what is expected in their profession and get a feel for the professional culture.
The program is very streamlined with an emphasis on in-class hands-on experience to compliment book work. In a traditional vocational program, opportunities for personal,  experience-based learning are often limited.Rather than reading about a process or procedure, students within the Dental Careers program immediately experience it themselves.
Dental Careers of Tulsa’s smaller class size of 4-6 students per course allows students the opportunity to practice on each other. The constant experience of working with actual human models contributes to the overall confidence of graduates. Another benefit to this strategy is that students fully understand the patient’s experience. This allows students to identify with any measure of discomfort a patient might feel, develop empathy and connection with patients, and better discern whether a patient’s experience is typical or should be cause for concern.
Dental Careers of Tulsa has developed a reputation within the community for producing capable, confident dental assistants who can make valuable contributions within a practice. The school boasts a phenomenal employment success rate--Tyler estimates upwards of 95% of graduates find dental field employment.
The program empowers students with the confidence needed to navigate dental field hiring practices, which can be quite different from other fields and might otherwise take students by surprise. When applying for jobs, dental assistant position applicants are typically interviewed over the phone, which is then followed by a working interview. Traditional vocational graduates may find this intimidating, but Dental Careers graduates possess the confidence and ability to sail through these.
Tuition is unexpectedly affordable, and many students fund tuition through Care Credit. If you’re considering a professional level up, there is no better time to give the school a call and get enrolled in a fall course.

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