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Summer Family Fun

World Outreach Church presents a day full of family, friends, fun, and faith.

By: Stephanie Reed | Category: In Our Communities | Issue: July 2013

Mark and Janet Brazee invite you to 
participate in Summer Family Fun.

Mark and Janet Brazee invite you to participate in Summer Family Fun.

From the Australian outback to the Venezuelan jungles, World Outreach Church is committed to sharing the powerful truths of faith and healing.  It is in this spirit that the church presents Summer Family Fun on July 13, 2013 from 11:00-1:00 PM.

    Located at World Outreach Church just east of Memorial off of 91st street, the day is meant to celebrate and help Tulsans who might need a little help and a little love.  With a fun-filled fair atmosphere, children are sure to enjoy the inflatables, games, face painting, and clowns, while mom and dad can take advantage of free clothing, free household items, free oil changes and free haircuts.  “We see so many people come in tentatively, not sure what they are walking into, but they know they need help.  By the time they leave, they are smiling, overjoyed, and loved.  That is what our work is about,” Hayne Schurz remarks.  “We want to encourage everyone to come out, enjoy lunch on us.  It is a totally free day that Tulsans can enjoy and benefit from.”

    Though most wouldn’t ­recognize it now with the lofty, modern architecture and ­abundance of flags decorating the campus, World Outreach Church had its humble ­beginnings in 1998 in the gym at East Central High School auditorium.  Though the building has evolved and the congregation has grown, the church’s guiding principles have not changed at all: Word, Spirit,World.  

    Missions Pastor, Hayne Schurz describes the unique atmosphere as “based on the Word, but driven by the Spirit.  This gives our services a certain type of freedom in structure that other churches may not have.  While Pastors Mark and Janet Brazee always have a plan for the service; if they feel led in a particular direction, they go where their hearts lead them.”

    In fact, World Outreach Church is itself a product of where the Pastors’ hearts have led.  Starting in the late 70’s, the Brazee’s traveled widely teaching at churches around the United States and overseas, particularly in Europe, where they hosted theological conferences and seminars.  The two were content to live out of suitcases and only admired the dedication and drive that they encountered from Pastors bound to a single church.

    In the 1990’s the Brazee’s found themselves moved in a direction that they never ­anticipated.  It was time to put their suitcases away, and plant firm roots.  These roots have evolved into World Outreach Church.  Like the founders, the church is mission based, and the congregation of 750-1000 finds themselves fulfilled in spreading of the Word.  

    With over 30 years in ­mission related work, Hayne Schurz has been associated with the pastors for 15 years; the first four spent as a missionary in Bangkok, Thailand.  “We really work on all levels of missionary work” explains Hayne.  “We have prayer groups, short term missionary travelers, long term missionaries, community outreach groups, etc.  Our goal is to involve the entire congregation in spreading the Word, educating, and helping those in need both at home and around the world.”

    For more information on attendance or donations please visit the church website at or call the church at 918-461-9628.

For more information, contact

World Outreach Church

8863 E 91st St.,
Tulsa, OK 74133
(918) 461-9628

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World Outreach Church

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