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Support the Pride of Broken Arrow

Founded in 1929, the Broken Arrow band program strives to achieve musical excellence and indeed has met that goal time and time again.

By: Christy Means-Smith | Category: Other | Issue: August 2008

The Pride of Broken Arrow was recognized in the Bands of America Grand National Championships in 2007. (L to R): Jennifer Hanford, Josh Young, Jennifer Burris and Scott McCormick, CEO of Bands of America.

Founded in 1929, the Broken Arrow band program strives to achieve musical excellence and indeed has met that goal time and time again. As a voluntary program, auditions are open to any student in grades 9 through 12, and The Pride performs at home and away games as well as in national, regional and local marching band contests, along with special occasion appearances such as President Bush’s inauguration. This year, The Pride has the opportunity to perform at the Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena, which will be broadcast on several national and cable television channels; however, help is needed from the community and corporate sponsors in order for The Pride to be able to take part in this wonderful event.

“We are striving to preserve this long-time program through corporate sponsorship, in addition to various fundraisers, so that The Pride can participate in this national showcase,” says Jane Kaiser, vice president of fundraising. “The Pride will not only be representing Broken Arrow, but the entire state in this once-in-a-lifetime experience.”

The Pride of Broken Arrow is offering a unique opportunity to companies who wish to be a key sponsor of the marching band’s participation in the 2009 Tournament of Roses Parade. Benefits to a key sponsor will be the company’s logo on 300 band uniforms, coverage on nine major networks, logos on travel jackets, and semi-trailer and stadium banner displayed at Broken Arrow High School. The network coverage of the parade alone will reach more than 400 million consumers worldwide.

The benefits of participating in marching band are substantial. The students learn leadership skills, teamwork, dedication and tenacity; studies have also shown that music appreciation and participation helps elevate studies overall.

“The community’s strength lies in young men and women who are empowered to do their best and be their best,” says Jane. “The bands really do get to enjoy and experience abounding traditions and witness the outpouring of support from their parents, administrators and region. The Pride marching band provides an outlet for students interested in the realm of state-of-the-art design, performance, social, and competitive opportunities.”

Membership is voluntary in this extra-curricular ensemble, but an audition is required. Those who audition are granted membership based on their performance ability, both musically and visually. Freshman and sophomore students who are denied membership with The Pride perform in the traditional varsity football support band.

Each Pride member’s costs and fees run from $1,350 to $1500. The cost of sending the Pride of Broken Arrow to the Tournament of Roses Parade will run approximately $300,000, a sum dependant upon community contributions and support.

“We are selling sponsorship wristbands for $5, and a fundraising dinner will be held Sept 13 at the NSU Broken Arrow campus. The Tournament of Rose Parade president will be our guest, along with Don Betz, the new NSU president,” states Jane. “We are still finalizing other guests and entertainment, but the theme will be Denim and Roses with BBQ, and we will have live entertainment. Corporate tables for 8 will be sold for $1,000.”

You can help realize the possibility of The Pride being nationally (and internationally) recognized at the Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena in January of 2009. For more information, call Jane Kaiser at (918) 510-5535. Donations may be mailed to Broken Arrow Senior High School Band Department at 1901 E. Albany St., Broken Arrow, OK, 74012.

For more information, contact

The Pride of Broken Arrow

1901 E. Albany St.
Broken Arrow, OK 74012
(918) 510-5535

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Pride of Broken Arrow

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Pride of Broken Arrow

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