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Supporting A Safe Haven For Survivors

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Categories: Home & Garden

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Spring is in full bloom in Green Country, and the new season brings with it feelings of renewal and hope.  Safenet Services, Inc. has been providing hope and opportunity to victims of domestic violence year-round since 1991.  Safenet is most recognized for providing women and children in need with a shelter, crisis hotline, counseling, education, and advocacy programs.  The completion of their new facility, The Donald W. Reynolds Safety Center provides additional services, including supervised visitation rooms and a secure outdoor play area for children. 

One of Safenet’s largest fundraisers each year is the annual Garden Tour.  Alexandra Seifried, Development Specialist at Safenet, is currently hard at work coordinating this year’s event.  Alexandra volunteered at Safenet throughout college at Rogers State University and volunteered again at last year’s Garden Tour.  “I remember thinking at the event, what a great way to volunteer.  Maybe I could do this in retirement someday,” she said.  It was only a month later she was hired full-time.  “Garden Tour is so special to me, I will always remember wanting to be apart of something that does such great work,” said Alexandra.

The Garden Tour will be held on Saturday, June 2, from 9 am to 3 pm.  Four gardens will be featured, in addition to the Master Gardeners of Rogers County’s teaching garden. Safenet is continuing their partnership with Master Gardeners this year as a way to provide more insight and expertise at each location on the tour. Each location will feature items from their resale shop, Second Impressions,  which include garden items and jewelry. Tickets are $10 each and can be purchased in advance at Safenet, Pixley, or at any of the garden stops on the tour the day of the event.  A special Garden Tour lunch will be provided by St. Paul’s Episcopal Church again for $7.50. Garden Tour locations will be announced in Mid-May.  All proceeds from the Garden Tour directly benefit Safenet and the families that they provide for.

Safenet is adding a new element to this year’s event – a Garden Party. The Garden Party will be held at the Will Rogers Memorial on Friday, June 1st. “We are partnering with the Claremore Area Chamber of Commerce to celebrate valued members of our both of our organization’s communities. This cocktail hour is a chance to celebrate those who have supported us and offer an opportunity to spread our message to people who might not know all we have to offer.” Invitations for the event will be sent out soon and it promises to be an exciting, fun time.

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