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Sustainable. Responsible. Investing.

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Aligning investments with values.
Values shape behavior. And the choices we make in life, especially the really important decisions, are often linked to our principles.
Why should investing for your future be any different? 

There is a growing trend in investing — sustainable, responsible and impact (SRI) investing.

Sustainable investors consciously choose to invest in companies that contribute to advancements in environmental, social and corporate goverance (ESG) practices, e.g., clean tech, labor and human rights, anti-corruption policies.

SRI investing has grown 33 percent in the U.S. since 2014. That equates to $8.72 trillion. SRI now accounts for more than one out of every five dollars under professional management, according to the latest SRI trends report, published by The Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment Foundation (US SIF).

Research also reveals a positive correlation between SRI strategies and corporate financial performance. A 2017 study conducted by Nuveen TIAA Investments found that investing in SRI strategies did not lead to a decrease in performance or an increase in risk.

The MSCI KLD 400 Social Index, one of the first socially responsible investing indexes, has performed right in line with the S&P 500.

In fact, during the February 2018 market downturn, SRI funds actually outperformed the broad market, according to Morningstar investment research company.

Wondering what impact your investments are making?

Ask your financial advisor for a portfolio review to see if your current investments include SRI companies.

Learn more about SRI at, or speak with a financial advisor.

See more about Sustainable. Responsible. Investing.:

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