Take a Route 66 Spring Break in Nearby Claremore

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Do you need a day to get-a-way?

Give yourself a spring break in Claremore where you can casually stroll antique and vintage shops, enjoy beautiful Claremore Lake, be fascinated with Claremore’s Native American history, wonderful collection of parks and museums, and dine in their many restaurants.

Prepare yourself to take your time as you go back in time to a place where the pace is a little slower, people are friendly, and where good old fashion values thrive.

This is your time to relax and delight in America’s Hometown U.S.A. Claremore, Oklahoma.

What’s your ideal day to get-a-way?  We’ve stacked eleven fun spring-time events  in Claremore U.S.A.  As you would imagine, there’s truly something for everyone!

1. March 12–13, the Oklahoma Dressage Society will host “The Green Country Dressage Classic” at the Claremore Expo Center.  Free admission and everyone is welcome; https://dressageoklahoma.org/

2. March 14–18, 1 p.m.–3 p.m., Spring Break at the Will Rogers Memorial Museum and Will Rogers Birthplace Ranch will be hosting museum tours, movie making, kiddie tractor pull, hay rides, RC Flyers, and paper airplane contests.  All activities are free to ages 17 and under, no registration is required; https://www.willrogers.com/eventsandactivities

3. March 17, 11 a.m.–10 p.m., Downtown Claremore, Bangers & Mash Lunch, St. Patty’s celebration.  Festivities begin at 11 a.m. with a traditional Irish lunch of Bangers & Mash at the Claremore Progress newspaper parking lot. Live entertainment, free admission, must have valid ID to drink. This event is sponsored by J. Farley’s restaurant.  Buy your lunch ticket early at https://downtownclaremore.org/event/st-paddys-day-event/

4. March 25–26, Claremore Home & Garden Show at the Claremore Expo Center.  This show is for all your home and garden needs.  From baked goods to lawn and garden equipment, free admission; http://www.claremorehomeandgardenshow.com/

5. April 2–3, 7 a.m.-5:30 p.m., Claremore Kennel Club Dog Show. http://claremorekennelclub.com/

6. April 8,  4 p.m.–9 p.m., and April 9, 8 a.m.–3 p.m., Green Country Hamfest at the Claremore Expo Center.  The Green Country Hamfest will showcase the latest technology in radio operations. This trade show offers visitors on-site FCC amateur radio license exams. There will be a large selection of vendors. http://www.greencountryhamfest.org/

7. April 23, Mountain Bike Jump Progression with the Mountain Bike Hopper: Rich Drew, The Ride Series Mountain Bike Skills Clinic. Jumping a bike is managing energy and the ability to do that comes with repetition and experience. The MTB Hoppers allow us to give you that experience in a controlled environment at The Ride Series. For more details email: eat0@eau0eav0eaw0; https://www.facebook.com/claremoremtnbiketrail/

8. April 23, 8 a.m.–2 p.m., Rogers County Master Gardner Plant Sale, 416 S. Brady, Claremore.  Come out for a terrific plant sale and help support the Rogers County Master Gardners. https://www.mgaroco.com/

9. May 23–28, The All American Event in downtown Claremore. More details to come. https://visitclaremore.org/events/

10. May 26, 6 p.m.–9 p.m., Boots on the Boulevard. Boots on the Boulevard is this month’s theme for Food Truck Thursday.  This is a seasonal, monthly food truck and shopping event in downtown Claremore. Music and dancing! https://visitclaremore.org/events

11. May 26, 6 p.m., Will Rogers Stampede Rodeo.  Plan a night at the rodeo!  Gates open at 6 p.m., pre-rodeo entertainment begins at 7 p.m. with mutton bustin’ and other entertainment nightly Friday, Saturday and Sunday. PRCA Rodeo Performances will begin at 8 p.m.  Watch the top cowboys and cowgirls in the nation compete in bronc riding, barrel racing, bull riding and more.  Claremore’s PRCA rodeo is a six-time SMALL RODEO OF THE YEAR award winner. https://www.rodeoticket.com/will-rogers-stampede/rodeo-information

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