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Take the Quest

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Categories: Health & Fitness

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“Effective Communication” is the key phrase to success in almost anything we do in life – at work, home with family, and with friends. It’s the same with Dr. Michele Neil-Sherwood (known as Dr. Michele), internal medicine/sports medicine physician, and Naturopathic Doctor Mark Sherwood (known as Dr. Mark). The couple created
Functional Medical Institute (FMI) of Tulsa to guide people toward a lifetime of health and wellness.
From cable television to books to personal speaking engagements and one-on-one consultations at the Functional Medical Institute, the husband and wife duo are committed to a four-pronged approach (known as the ‘4E’ philosophy) to total healing. The ‘4’ stands for the four elements of a person – physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual. The ‘E’ stands for “ever.”
“When a person experiences wellness as a whole, they experience ‘peace,’ rather than experiencing ‘disease,’” said Dr. Michele.
Recorded in Dallas, this dynamic duo is seen twice weekly on 4E TV, which airs in the Tulsa metro area on Cox 9/ATT 47 at 10 p.m. Tuesdays and 12:30 p.m. Thursdays.
According to Dr. Mark, “Treatment at FMI generally focuses on lifestyle management. Hormone balance, anti-inflammatory food protocols, and body composition normalization are areas of specialty. DNA testing is also utilized and tells each patient what to do, eat and take. If you are tired of not knowing exactly how much to eat, what type of exercise to do, and what supplements to take, this test is for you. No more guessing!”
Drs. Mark and Michele’s book, “The Quest for Wellness,” is an Amazon best seller. A book signing at the 71st Street Barnes & Noble in Tulsa was held on October 10. “Quest” outlines FMI’s philosophy in an easy-to-read, instructional and motivational format. The book, published by Emerge Publishers of Tulsa, can be easily obtained by visiting or Barnes & Noble.
Perhaps you belong to a civic club or some other organization and would like to learn more about true healing. Both doctors are ready to present information on taking a pathway to wellness by changing your lifestyle. Dr. Michele asserts their strong belief that people need accountability and a strong support system to obtain true healing. “We have been gifted to provide both.”
The couple shares success story after success story. “It is not uncommon for patients to lose 2 to 4 percent of body fat a month on our protocols,” Dr. Mark explains. “We practice what we preach and desire to lead by example. We cannot and must not tell our patients to do that which we are not willing.”
Change your life from possible chronic disease, aches, pains and debilitating illness to one with vim and vigor while currently in your 50s, 60s and beyond. Drs. Michele and Mark have created a pathway to wellness by changing lifestyle from the ground up.
Perhaps a good first step would be to watch the TV show on Cox, check out the website – – and read Dr. Mark’s “Quest for Wellness.” The Institute holds monthly educational classes that cover topics such as detoxification, inflammation, family wellness, fatigue, and stress management. Also, you may want your friends and associates exposed to these same principles that have helped so many. Call today or send an email requesting a presentation to your group or organization. These small steps may lead you to changing your life forever!

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