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Ten Point Master Plan

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Categories: In Our Communities

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 “Are you familiar with the Ten Point Master Plan of the Rock Church?” asks Pastor Billy Joe Watts. “We need your help in serving God and helping His people through this plan.”
The Rock Church is a multiracial, diverse congregation that continues to grow. Today about 200 regularly attend the weekly 10 a.m. Sunday worship service at the Union High School Performing Arts Center, located immediately behind the football stadium, at 6636 S. Mingo Road. Connection classes begin at 9 a.m. and worship services are at 10. Bible Study is held each Wednesday at 7 p.m.
Why has membership continued to grow? Pastor Billy Joe believes that they offer something for every member of the family and anyone who wants to serve God and help His people are welcomed to join them for a unique experience. “You will feel God, feel His love and feel the Rock. The roots of happiness grow deepest in the soil of service, and that’s how our church grows as we engage in cultivating the soil of service. We try to do things that will zero in on our outreach within the Tulsa community as we get outside our four walls and share the faith.”
Pastor Billy Joe outlines the Rock Church’s ultimate Ten Point Master Plan:
1. Develop a multi-racial, multi-cultural, word based ministry in the Tulsa area.
2. Establish a multi-complex building to facilitate all activities of our church and ministry functions.
3. Build an educational addition for Christian education and professional training.
4. Build a gym and fitness complex for training, health, and wellness issues that relate to good health.
5. Expand into radio and television locally.
6. Send missionaries to other countries.
7. Teach communications skills to lay members as well as working professionals.
8. Establish a music school for community kids.
9. Establish affordable housing opportunities for community members through our Reach One Foundation.
10. Develop an outreach center to provide food and clothing to the poor.
“If you believe in going into every man’s world and demonstrating the nature of Christ by first serving God, loving people, and preaching Jesus Christ is the way to salvation and bring healing and restoration, then help us achieve our Ten Point Master Plan,” Pastor Billy Joe says. “They go hand in hand.”
One of the many components of the overall mission is the Timothy Project, a life coaching and mentoring program. It lays out a strategy for successful living by asking, “Who will you be?” as it focuses on the virtues of integrity and honesty. “The goal of the project is to provide a redefinition of manhood,” said Pastor Billy Joe, pointing to Romans 12:2. “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.’”
Billy Joe asks young men to show him their friends and he’ll show the young men their future. “We can’t wait to reach these young men,” he said. “We must do it while they’re still in school and address ‘at risk’ issues before they become huge risks.” The Timothy Project is looking for sponsorships, grants and opportunities to team up with organizations that will help provide funding to expand the visions of young men.
Pastor Theresa, Billy Joe’s wife, leads The Rock’s Ladies of Royalty program, a monthly gathering of young women ages 18 to 25 looking to be everything God created them to be. “Our ladies are learning what it means to be a woman of royalty walking in the promises of God. Our hopes are to bring our young women back to reality and teach them valuable life skills,” said Pastor Theresa. Many young women graduate from high school and find themselves asking, ‘Who am I? What do I do and where do I go now?’ If these young women had first found out who they were in Christ, they probably wouldn’t be having these thoughts now. Ladies of Royalty helps them understand what God wants for them. It teaches them to stop listening to worldly views and reality shows and start listening to and trusting in God.”
Both Billy Joe and Theresa want all young people to be equipped to win in life and enjoy it to the fullest. Billy Joe says, “There is no progress without a process. The Rock exposes all to something better in life!”

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