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The Art of Giving

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Categories: Financial Services

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I stress over gift-giving.

I never know what to give people. I'm embarrassed when I can't afford their wish list.

Holidays are a time for gratitude and fellowship. Gifts are to be an expression of joy and generosity, not a stress inducer. Definitely not a debt instigator.

If you fret over gift-giving, try one of these no-stress, pay-less ideas that won't break your budget.

Low cost, big heart gift Ideas

“We give memories,” said Michelle Duhaime, Lawrence. “I bought 20 cans of silly string. I gave each grandchild two cans; told them Grampa was hiding somewhere on the property; and to go find him! Best $20 I have ever spent!”

“I follow a four-gift rule for my kids,” said Melissa Welchel, Oklahoma City. “Buy something they want, something they need, something to wear and something to read."

"For families, we do group gifts, board games, homemade gift baskets, rather than buying for each individual," said Welchel.

"I help someone with a project they're working on,” said Kim James, Verdigris. "It means more than buying something they may not need or want."

"We restrict ourselves to one store bought gift and we set a price limit,” said Stephen Taylor, Tulsa. “For friends, we make homemade goodies or gifts. People are happy getting it, and we don’t spend time agonizing over whether someone will like their gift.”

“We give money to our pastor to give to someone who could use extra help,” said Tara Depperschmidt, Stillwater. “We don’t want to know who it goes to; just that it goes to someone who really needs it.”

Opinions expressed above are the personal opinions of the author and meant for generic illustration purposes only. Member FDIC.

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