The Doctor is In

Dr. Mattson’s family practice in Owasso offers friendly, knowledgeable help for patients of all ages.

By: Value News | Category: Health & Fitness | Issue: January 2008

Dr. Rodger C. Mattson

“Wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands.”  As cold and flu season is in full swing, Rodger Mattson, D.O., shares his best advice for staying healthy this winter.  And he stresses that frequent hand washing happens to be the most important thing a person can do to avoid germs.  For those who do happen to get sick, Dr. Mattson’s family practice in Owasso offers friendly, knowledgeable help for patients of all ages.

The onset of sickness throws a curveball at our daily lives; school is missed, workdays are shuffled and plans have to be changed at the last minute.  But is it the flu or just a cold?  Dr. Mattson explains that people are commonly confused by the two winter illnesses.  “With a cold, you’re miserable,” he says.  “But with the flu, you feel like you’ve been run over by a truck.”  

Once sickness takes hold, identifying your symptoms early on can be most important.  While colds typically begin with a sore throat, the flu’s onset is characterized by muscle aches, fever and chills.  “The severity of the flu can be lessened with medication within the first 48 hours,” Dr. Mattson explains.  “But after the first 48 hours, medication is not effective.”  Neither the common cold or flu is curable; however, over-the-counter medications, throat lozenges and plenty of liquids and rest can help a person feel better.

According to Dr. Mattson, other symptoms of the common cold that may set in include a low-grade fever, stuffy nose, nasal discharge, cough and headache.  The flu is more intense and consists of discomfort of the entire body.  Nasal congestion, high fever, headache, exhaustion, aches and pains are typical symptoms of the flu.  The flu may last a week or more, and pneumonia is a possible complication.  

Both illnesses are spread by respiratory droplets.  “If you do get sick, avoid places where you can spread the germs to others,” Dr. Mattson adds.  “Thousands of people die every year from the flu.  If you don’t get in to see a doctor within the first 48 hours, closely monitor the illness and see a doctor if it gets worse.”

Dr. Mattson recommends getting a flu shot every fall to help prevent the illness.  “The flu is constantly changing, so the shot is not always as preventative,” he says.  “But it can definitely lessen your chances of getting the flu.”  He also mentions that getting the flu from the actual shot is a myth.

Following a 17-year career as a Presbyterian minister, Dr. Mattson attended Oklahoma State University’s College of Osteopathic Medicine.  After graduating, he completed a family medicine residency program in Oregon and returned to Oklahoma to open a practice in Chelsea.  He is currently in the process of transitioning to serve Owasso.

While Dr. Mattson has only been in his Owasso office about a year, he has been practicing medicine for five years.  His family practice has patients ranging in age from two weeks old to 90 years old.  “Every room I go into is something different,” Dr. Mattson says.  “I really like the variety of family practice.”  

Recognizing the initial symptoms of the flu is important in shortening the illness’ duration.  Call Dr. Mattson’s office at (918) 609-5212 and schedule an appointment within the first 48 hours of experiencing symptoms.  Patients are guaranteed high-quality health care in a personal, friendly manner.  While Dr. Mattson works in his Chelsea office two days a week, staff members are in the Owasso office five days a week.

For more information, contact

Dr. Rodger C. Mattson

12814 E. 101st Place N., Suite 102
 Owasso, OK 74055
(918) 609-5212

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Dr. Rodger C. Mattson

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Dr. Rodger C. Mattson

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