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The Fall Home Expo: Resources For Everything Home

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Bring your family to watch the garden railroad trains run as you tour this year’s show.

Celebrating its 5th anniversary as the only fall season home and garden show in the Tulsa market, the timing could not be better on its new earlier weekend. The new schedule will allow visitors to enjoy ample parking adjacent to the Exchange Center which was not always the case in previous years.

The show will feature hundreds of booths with a mix of both local exhibitors and companies from around North America. This expo will help you connect with experts in a broad range of fields including: kitchens and baths, outdoor living, energy savings and home technology to name a few. With over 40 major business categories represented, this event will certainly prove helpful to your immediate needs before the end of the year as well as pre-planning spring projects around the house. The show also features a variety of personal products and services, gift ideas, and family-oriented fun for all ages.

The 2018 Fall Home Expo, a Tulsa Home Shows production, will come two weeks earlier than in past years opening at noon on Friday, November 2nd through 5pm on Sunday, November 4th. It is located in the Exchange Center at Expo Square on the Tulsa Fairgrounds. The show is sponsored by Engineered Concrete Systems, local experts in new and replacement concrete projects, with special thanks to Values Magazine again this year. Other show sponsors include Stone Canyon in Owasso and AT&T.

Admission and parking are both free and there will be a $500 daily Visa gift card giveaway. Folks entering the giveaway will receive a valuable free gift just for entering, while supplies last.

Fall Home Expo brings all this plus much more to you and your family. Additional show features include:

American Red Cross Blood Drive on Friday and Saturday.

A 600 square-foot operating display of garden train installed by the Tulsa Garden Railroad Club

The Rescue Roundup

The Little Light House book fair fundraiser supported by Usborne Books & More

More to be announced on prior to show time.

The American Red Cross is in dire need of donations. If you, or anyone within your circle of influence is a current donor or would like to start donating, your gift of life would be extremely welcome. Donations are best made by appointment to allow matching of donation staffing levels and supplies. Walk-ins are accepted as the schedule allows.  Your appointment can be set now on or with your RapidPass app if you are already a regular donor.

A well kept secret in our city is the love of trains and the ability to demonstrate that love in a big way in your own backyard. The Tulsa Garden Railroad Club will be operating a large display of garden trains for the first time ever in a Tulsa Home Shows event. This is a great time to bring the entire family and enjoy seeing the trains in action, ask questions and maybe elevate your interest in a fun new hobby. Remember, Christmas is only a few weeks after the event and trains can bring out the kid in all of us. Club members will be operating the trains and available to answer all questions about the hobby and club membership.

Rescue Roundup is a unique gathering of several of the Tulsa area’s top dog adoption groups. The goal of the Rescue Roundup is to find forever homes for as many dogs as possible. Come see and pet dozens of dogs and puppies looking for their new families.  This special feature is made possible by Angel’s Pet Funeral Home and Crematory.

The Little Light House book fair will help provide quality books to the students at Tulsa’s largest and oldest privately-funded school for special needs children. Last year the event was able to provide over $600 in new books for the children. This year’s goal is to break the $1,000 mark with your help. All sales will generate a 50% matching donation from Usborne Books and direct donations are also accepted.

Plan now to attend by visiting On the website, you can preview the list of exhibitors and sponsors. You can also register to receive additional show information including notices about contests, prizes and any yet-to-be-announced show features as well as other upcoming shows and special offers.

Admission to Fall Home Expo is free and parking is free. This enables you to bring the entire family along with friends if you wish. You can enter and re-enter as many times as you like over the weekend without ticketing expenses or having your hand stamped.

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