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The Oklahoma Festival of Ballooning Returns to Muskogee's Hatbox Field

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Once again the skies over Muskogee will be glowing with an array of vibrant color as the Oklahoma Festival of Ballooning descends upon historic Hatbox Field Aug. 16 and 17.  The festival, now in its second year, will host dozens of balloon pilots and their crews, many of which will be in the running for the Oklahoma Hot Air Balloon Championship Governor’s Trophy.

The weekend event is presented by Georgia Pacific and by the Muskogee Parks & Recreation Department with additional support from The City of Muskogee, Muskogee Tourism and The Greater Muskogee Area Chamber of Commerce. The hot air balloon festival is managed by Kansas City AeroSports.  The organization facilitates hot air balloon events nationwide.

“We are excited to be ballooning in Muskogee again and to bring the Oklahoma State championship to a wonderful city and a fabulous venue,” said Chris Sabia of Kansas City AeroSports, balloon meister, and event manager of the Oklahoma Festival of Ballooning.

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Olivia Ooms

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The Swon Brothers

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John Fullbright

Festival-goers will experience luminous balloon glows both Friday and Saturday with many of the balloons inflated and lighting the festival grounds with a radiance of brilliant color.  Back by popular demand, tether rides will be offered for those who want a few minutes in a floating balloon basket that is securely tied to the ground.

Admission for the event is $10 per car.  A food truck midway, Kid’s Zone, helicopter rides and an “Up, Up and Away” 5K run Saturday morning are all being offered as part of this year’s festival. Friday night’s concert includes fireworks, a balloon glow, and music by Grammy-award winner John Fullbright. On Saturday, Muskogee’s own, The Swon Brothers will perform to their hometown crowd.  Country music newcomer, Olivia Ooms will open for the bands both Friday and Saturday. There will be RV campsites available.  For more information regarding the campsites, 5K run and specific times for all events, visit or the Oklahoma Ballooning Festival Facebook page @OkieBalloonFest.

 The Oklahoma Festival of Ballooning, Friday-Saturday Aug. 16-17 at Hatbox Field - 4000 Border Street, Muskogee, Oklahoma.  Located just West of Highway 69 and Border Street.

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