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The Price of Depression is Immeasurable

Strength of Mind Behavioral Health offers FDA approved, non-drug therapy to treat depression.

By: Duane Blankenship | Category: Health & Fitness | Issue: February 2015

Mallory, Terry and Corey of Strength of Mind Behavioral Health.

Mallory, Terry and Corey of Strength of Mind Behavioral Health.

Strength of Mind was founded in 2004 by Dr. Jeff McIlroy, who serves the organization as chief of psychiatry. “Our purpose is to provide a ready response to those in need of outpatient behavioral health care,” says Dr. McIlroy, “and our goal is to make psychiatry innovative, effective and accessible.” By using diverse, personalized and comprehensive treatment methods, Strength of Mind meets a variety of patients’ needs at any age.

Dr. McIlroy recognized the need for a more comprehensive and multi-disciplinary organization to better meet mental health needs within our community. The Christian-based practice includes 25 providers with a team of over 18 skilled professionals.

Using diverse, personalized and comprehensive treatment methods, Strength of Mind was the first in Tulsa to provide TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation). TMS therapy is an FDA approved, non-invasive medical treatment for major depression. The treatment gives direct MRI strength magnetic pulse stimulation to the frontal lobe of the brain, compelling neurons to start firing, which leads to restoring the brain to normal functioning levels while elevating moods and encouraging ambition.

Terry serves Strength of Mind as practice manager, while Mallory is the TMS coordinator and Corey is the group’s TMS technician. “I see Mallory as our TMS champion,” says Terry. “She is our liaison with insurance companies, does most of our patient screenings, and is basically the TMS ringleader. Corey makes sure our patients are comfortable through their treatment process, helps Mallory with the screening process, and plays a pivotal role in assisting Dr. McIlroy by monitoring the motor threshold of patients to determine the strength and optimum location to which the ‘pulse’ is administered. In short, Corey is our guru of many talents.”
“Research has shown us that while physical activity is a powerful tool in treating depression, exercise is the last thing a depressed person wants to do,” says Mallory. “This typically leads to listlessness, inactivity and remaining out of shape.” Strength of Mind’s solution is one-on-one therapeutic fitness that gets the body moving to boost the recovery process.

TMS treatment has proven to have many advantages including no medical side effects. The patient remains fully awake during treatments and results are known within four to six weeks. “As a TMS team, we take our patients and their treatments very personally. We’re in it with them throughout the process and each person becomes part of our family.”

“The Strength of Mind treatment has many facets,” says Mallory, “and we have so much to offer through our three-prong approach to TMS treatment: 1. Wake up the brain; 2. Wake up the body; and 3. Change patient behavior. This is what makes the treatment so unique. We treat the whole person.”

The Strength of Mind team partners with each patient as they begin their journey to regain quality of life. “Our goal is to restore health and help each patient rediscover a life free from depression,” says Terry. TMS Therapy is covered by most insurance companies including Medicare. 

For more information, contact

Strength of Mind Behavioral Health

8937 S. Garnett RdBroken Arrow, OK 74012(918) 872-9777

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About Author Duane Blankenship

Blankenship graduated from the University of Oklahoma and has enjoyed a lifetime career in advertising. He started his own advertising business in 1993 and enjoys creating graphic art and writing. Hobbies include hunting, fishing and pencil drawings. Duane and his wife, Janice, have been married over 50 years and are active in their church and community. He has been a contributing writer for Value News/Values Magazine since 2005.

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Strength of Mind Behavioral Health

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