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Time Invested Wisely

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Categories: Education

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Students and Staff (From top left, clockwise:  Brandon, Sterling, Keith, Marcus and Kyle)

By, Macy Goodnight; For centuries, classic analog clocks have been revered and valued, not only for their functionality but for their collectability as well. In the past, clocks were made to last, and possessed intricate inner workings, and often times beautifully and artfully crafted wooden shells. Keeping these timepieces functioning properly over time requires maintenance and care to protect their longevity. The Clock Store and School, is shining a new light on the face of keeping time.

Located in Broken Arrow, on the southeast corner of 81st Street and Aspen Avenue, an innovative and inspirational new business can be found. Clock lovers will find a charming storefront, with an incredible selection of clocks available for purchase, as well as a refined service center for restoration and repair for all clocks. The shop is a gateway to something even more special:  an institute of learning in the field of horology. Horology is the study and measurement of time and includes the art of making clocks and watches. As technology is continually expanding and growing, horologists maintain the timeless tradition that retains a collectible clock’s value in a digital age. The Clock School provides education and training to keep this trade alive.

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Preserving the traditional artistry of keeping time.

Leslie Dismukes assists in the management and operation of both the school and the shop. Her previous experience included 29 years with the Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation, working with disabled citizens. The Clock Store and School’s owner, Jonathan Schultz, hired her after she had retired, and they have together collaborated on incorporating accommodations for everyone who has an interest in the trade. They have additionally created a successful program offering training in a lucrative and hands-on career for those with disabilities. “We’ve become highly recognized in the community for our work with disabled people,” said Leslie. “It takes a lot of patience, but anybody can do this job with education and training.” The school has worked with students in a range of disabilities, including autism, visual and learning impairments. “Jonathan looks to train to hire,” Leslie said. “He started the school with the intent of training people he could hire, as there aren’t many people doing this anymore. The demand is great still, and more people are needed to work in this field.” State funding is possible for disabled students wishing to attend the school for this trade.

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Leslie Dismukes, Administrator

The programs include basic and advanced studies, with 720 clock hours required for completion of both. At the end of the course study, students are expected to pass a final exam and a skill assessment. A “Weekend Warrior” program can be completed for those desiring a hands-on crash course and includes 20 hours over a three-day weekend, Friday through Sunday. The cost for this program is only $350.

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JD McDonald, Parts Manager and Educator

For more information on The Clock Store, visit their website at or educational programs at The Clock School at Both entities may be reached by calling (918) 520-9829.

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