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Turning a Stumbling Block Into a Stepping Stone

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Dr. Trissy Pitkin engages the mind and body with a variety of techniques to address each child’s individual needs.  Photos by Dana Pugh

Parents with kids in school will be the first to tell you that education comes with unique challenges for each child, especially when it comes to homework. Luckily, there is someone who can take what used to be a stumbling block and turn it into a stepping stone. Dr. Trissy Pitkin, founder of Academic Advantage in Owasso, has created that stepping stone, making your student’s success easier than you ever thought possible.
Unlike conventional educational services, Dr. Pitkin addresses the root cause of any student’s challenge. She examines the gross and fine motor skills, visual and auditory processing, attention and memory, academics and even social and family dynamics. “If all the puzzle pieces don’t fit, that could very well be the problem, that’s why we address the whole child,” says Pitkin. Academic Advantage is set up with several different stations, so each area is tackled. “The improvement in academics is just the cherry on top,” adds Dr. Pitkin.

Although her business has enjoyed more than 20 years of success, Dr. Pitkin started out as a teacher. “I always knew my career would evolve. I saw such a great need for kids who required help with dyslexia, ADD/ADHD, reading and a multiple of other challenges including test anxiety.” As she learned more about each field, she became passionate about making it her full-time calling.  Dr. Pitkin has her doctorate in Clinical Christian Counseling and holds a master’s degree in Multi-Categorical Disabilities. She is a Certified Educational Therapist, Attention Specialist, Reading Specialist, Board Certified Cognitive Specialist, Dyslexia Remediation Specialist, and a Licensed Educator.  All of this rounds out her qualifications.

Besides her vast experience, Dr. Pitkin also takes great pride in advocating for her students when necessary with their teachers. “I like to think of it as a team effort. I’ve been on the other side, and if I can work with the teachers to come up with a plan to help the student achieve his or her highest level, it’s a win-win!”
Constant research, evaluation and looking at new approaches to help students better themselves is another distinction of Academic Advantage. “I’m helping them not only achieve higher academic success, but assisting them with building better life skills.” She says that although most of the curriculum she uses is based on proven results, she also believes it’s important to use a lot of cheerleading and teaching self-talk. She will be there for your student from grade school until they are ready for the ACT Prep Program offered by Academic Advantage.
Dr. Pitkin agrees, sometimes it’s difficult to know when your child may need assistance. “When in doubt, get help!” Academic Advantage offers a free 30-minute phone consultation to see if her business is the right fit for your student. If so, that call could be followed by an evaluation, a more in-depth consultation and a meet and greet with your child.
Though her business has received many accolades by former clients, Dr. Pitkin says the best reward she’s ever received is knowing a child’s life has been changed for the better.

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