Twisted Soul Sisters Mother-Daughter Look-A-Like Contest Results

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Thank you to all who the beautiful ladies that took the time to send in pictures and wonderful thoughts about moms and daughters. We had an amazing response for this contest. There were so many moms and daughters that could be twins or sisters. Our anonymous team of judges had quite the feat to decide the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners. The 1st place winner will receive a $100.00 gift card for Twisted Soul Sisters Boutique and Gift Store. The 2nd place winner will receive Mother’s Day Berries from Edible Arrangements. The 3rd place winner will receive a $50.00 gift card for The Pink House in Claremore.

Each mom and daughter that took the time to send in the pictures and wonderful stories about the closeness that is shared are winners even without any prizes from a contest.

And the winners are...

1st Place: Brooklyn Pickard

Hi! My name is Brooklyn and my mom’s name is Sharon! There are a million reasons why I love my mom but I’ll just outline the big ones. She makes me laugh harder than anyone I know without even meaning to, she just has this naturally funny nature; she can always make a bad day better for me just by cracking a few jokes. Another reason I love her, She has the biggest heart. She cares so deeply about everyone in her life and you’ll never hear her say a bad thing about someone else. My last reason I love my mom; She is my absolute best friend. She’s the first person I call when something good or bad happens to me, she always listens and always gives the best advice, even if it’s something I don’t want to hear. I love her to the moon and back!

2nd Place: McKenna Brown

My name is McKenna Brown and I am attending college to become a registered nurse. My mom is one of my closest and best friends. We look and act a lot alike. We occasionally get asked if we are sisters. My mom has taught me how to be a lady and shows me how to live for Jesus every day. Her life is an amazing example. Her love, friendship, and support mean the world to me. I love her so much!

3rd Place: Katie Bunch

My name is Katie Bunch and I am 28 years old. The reason why I love my mom is because I can always come to her when I need it and she still helps me out. She is an amazing mom.

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