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Vision of Claremore Shines on a Bright Future

With a combined effort, both the city staff and the city council aim to keep Claremore on the path to a bright future.

By: Duane Blankenship | Category: In Our Communities | Issue: May 2007

Helping to keep Claremore on its path to a bright future are City Manager Troy Powell and Assistant City Manager Matt Mueller.

City Manager Troy Powell and Assistant City Manager Matt Mueller are both very quick to give credit to the Claremore City Council for its willingness and ability to “do more with less.” With a combined effort, both the city staff and the city council aim to keep Claremore on the path to a bright future.

Despite the fact that the city’s operating budget was reduced this past year by over $2,000,000, its fleet was reduced by 40 vehicles and unnecessary positions were reduced by 25 percent, Claremore is working harder than ever to develop and beautify the city to be even better than it already is for its residents and visitors.

“The city staff and the Claremore City Council are public servants committed to doing all we can to provide Claremore with the highest level of service, while maximizing every cent of taxpayer money,” Powell says. “We’ve had an exciting year in Claremore and have worked diligently to better serve the needs of our community.”

Powell and Mueller are adamant about communicating with Claremore residents. Mueller says, “The Claremore City Council wants us to find ways to let citizens know what’s going on within the city and local government.” The city’s staff is committed to letting citizens know what their local government has accomplished and what they hope to accomplish in the future.

An improvement to the city will be the upcoming Claremore Annual Update, a newsletter that will recap previous accomplishments and future aspirations and goals. Additionally, skill-based pay systems have been implemented in many areas of the city, and plans were put in place to ensure that employees are paid at market standards. Claremore also initiated innovative partnerships with Rogers State University and the town of Verdigris to utilize combined resources.

Other accomplishments have occurred over the past year in the areas of public safety, water resources, sanitation, as well as within the city’s infrastructure management and development services areas. Finding solutions to traffic-related problems and developing the economy are high priorities for city officials. Claremore continually searches to find solutions to problems and open doors to future retail growth.

Future project goals of the community include elevating the BSNF Railroad through town, creating an underpass at UP Railroad on Patti Page Boulevard, constructing a new wastewater treatment plant, improving the quality of existing parks and recreation areas, pursuing long-term water supply, continuing the efficiency of city operations to reduce the burden on taxpayers, as well as upgrading the Claremore website to provide a useful tool for citizens.

The BSNF and UP Railroad projects would free up five major intersections within the city. Plans are being developed that may possibly include financial help from city, state, federal and county governments, as well as railroad companies.

Claremore is a clean community and offers great quality of life to its residents. More good things are to come in the near future. “Care more for Claremore” is the slogan of one beautification group promoting community pride. The city staff and Claremore City Council members are committed to ensuring a bright future for Claremore.

For more inform­­ation, contact

City of Claremore

104 S. Muskogee, P.O. Box 249, Claremore, OK 74018
(918) 341-2365

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About Author Duane Blankenship

Blankenship graduated from the University of Oklahoma and has enjoyed a lifetime career in advertising. He started his own advertising business in 1993 and enjoys creating graphic art and writing. Hobbies include hunting, fishing and pencil drawings. Duane and his wife, Janice, have been married over 50 years and are active in their church and community. He has been a contributing writer for Value News/Values Magazine since 2005.

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