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What are you thankful for?

Categories: In Our Communities, Other

Do you “pay it forward” in the Starbucks line? Do you tell the people in your life just how thankful you are to have them around? It is easy in today’s society to forget to stop and smell the roses, so to speak. In celebration of Thanksgiving coming up on Thursday November 23, we are challenging you to show your gratitude in a big way! Three winners will be chosen to be featured in our November issue, with prizes from Edible Arrangements and the Pink House in Claremore.

Send us your best photo and a description of what or who you are thankful for; along with your name, address, city, state, phone number and email. Submit all entries to eat0@eau0eav0eaw0 by October 20, 2017. (Your submission is expressed permission for Values Magazine to publish and post your image, name and material.) Submissions will be entered into a random drawing for first, second and third place prizes.

Thanksgiving will be here before you know it! Don’t miss this chance to express just how thankful you are. Take a look at the things our employees here at Values Magazine are grateful for:


Aeron Traylor, Sales Manager 

“This year I am thankful for change. The ebb and flow that comes with day to day life reminds me over and again that life is short and the only constant is change. I have enjoyed watching my children change as they grow older. Change is sometimes hard but it is necessary for progress”.

Josie Giesbrecht, Marketing Consultant

“I never thought I would have so much to be thankful for, but my favorite is hands down, my husband. He is my best friend, and the most amazing person I have ever known. Be it feast or famine, I’ll always put down the spoon of whatever I’m stirring to slow dance in the kitchen with this one.”

John Rudolph, Graphic Designer

“I have a lot to be thankful for these days, especially after the safe arrival of our new, healthy baby girl. I am thankful for my supportive family and my loving wife. I am so fortunate to have both a happy family life and a fulfilling career.”


First place prize is one Fall Bouquet from Edible Arrangements (large size); second place, one $50 Gift Certificate to the Pink House in Claremore;  third place, one box of chocolate dipped fruit from Edible Arrangements.


About Author

Dana Pugh is a writer, photographer and web designer from Tulsa, Oklahoma. She began her career as a U.S. Army Public Affairs Specialist and currently writes for Values Magazine.

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