What Does It Mean to Be Healthy?

Drs. Michele Neil and Mark Sherwood of Functional Medical Institute will help you find the answers to all your health and wellness questions.

By: Sheryl Sowell | Category: Other | Issue: January 2015

Dr. Michele Neil and Dr. Mark Sherwood of Functional Medical Institute.

Dr. Michele Neil and Dr. Mark Sherwood of Functional Medical Institute.

What does it mean to really be healthy? Your answer to health and wellness can begin at the Functional Medical Institute (FMI). Under the leadership of Dr. Michele Neil, internal medicine/sports medicine physician, each patient is treated from the “whole person” position. Assisted by Naturopathic Dr. Mark Sherwood, Dr. Michele operates under the “4E” philosophy. “The ‘4’ stands for the four elements of a person – physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual. The ‘E’ stands for EVER. We want each person to be well in each of these interdependent areas. When a person experiences wellness as a whole, they experience PEACE, rather than experiencing DIS-EASE.”

“We can and do help people. This is not smoke and mirrors; it is real life. We care about each patient and truly want to help them get well in each part of their life,” says Dr. Mark.

Do you want to be an individual riddled with chronic disease, aches and pains, and debilitating illness, or would you rather have the vim and vigor of a 30-year-old while currently in your 50s, 60s and beyond? Drs. Michele and Mark have created a pathway to wellness by changing lifestyle from the ground up. It is a relatively undisputed belief that lifestyle plays an astronomical role in long term health and wellbeing. Each patient is educated, equipped, and inspired to be their best and take charge of their own health.

Don’t take your health for granted by being uneducated and a victim of the Standard American Diet (SAD). The typical SAD, loaded with sugar, processed, packaged junk, and trans- and fake fats is taking a huge toll on our health. Metabolic disease is occurring at earlier ages than ever before. Once a disease thought to onset in the older years, Type 2 diabetes is showing up in our young people. “When we learn to tame our lifestyle, we can control not only diabetes, but other metabolic diseases and syndromes of chronic inflammation,” says Dr. Michele.

Drs. Michele and Mark work with patients with all types of imbalance, including hormonal. Most imbalance has its root in how we live our daily lives. The gasoline we put in the engine of our human motor vehicle is responsible for the type of mileage we get. “All chronic conditions begin with inflammation,” Dr. Michele explains. “Inflammation is set in motion when the internal organs and the immune system are compromised by being met with the day-in, day-out challenge of polluted nutrition. This pollution leads to chronic debility, such as joint aches and pain, brain fogginess, delayed recovery time, depression, headaches, and weight gain. These are all signs that one’s metabolic status may need medical attention.”

Each patient is educated on their own biomarkers. Imbalances and deficiencies are uncovered and addressed. True to their commitment to healing patients from the root cause of their ailment and empowering them with the resources to maintain the best possible health, Drs. Michele and Mark generate a personalized, multi-week plan, complete with short and longer term goals, for each patient.  Dr. Mark adds, “Each patient will leave with a roadmap to better health.” The pair also holds monthly educational classes for their patient base covering topics such as detoxification, inflammation, family wellness, fatigue, and stress management. Additionally, this busy duo has a weekly television show called 4E TV, currently airing in Tulsa.

Among the newest inclusions at FMI, the doctors have begun using a unique full-strand DNA test to customize wellness plans. This unique test tells each patient what to do, eat, and take. If you are tired of not knowing exactly how much to eat, what type of exercise to do, and what supplements to take, this test is for you. “There is no time like the present to make a change. We simply do not have time to not have time. We promote a team environment based on trust, accountability, and excellence. You will get results.”

For more information, contact

Functional Medical Institute 

6048 S. SheridanTulsa, OK 74145(918) 748-3640www.fmidr.com

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About Author Sheryl Sowell

Sheryl Sowell was born and raised in Tulsa, OK. She graduated from Will Rogers High School and received her Bachelor of Arts in English from Northeastern State University in 2007. She has worked for Value News as editor, writer and advertising copywriter since 2008. She enjoys meeting and interviewing people for Value News articles, learning about their backgrounds, and helping to promote their businesses and local events. In her free time, she enjoys reading, trying new recipes and crafts from Pinterest, attending concerts and sporting events, and spending time with family and friends. Sheryl lives in Tulsa with her fiancé Paul, their daughter Scarlett, and their two dogs, Gunner and Boo.

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Functional Medical Institute

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Functional Medical Insitute

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